
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Prayers based on Leviticus 25-27

Leviticus 25

Merciful Lord, You have granted Your people rest in Your Son Jesus Christ. We are so often running in one direction, and then running in another. Please forgive us. One day a week is not enough for us to understand the fullness of rest that You have granted to us. We long for the age to come, the time of eternal Sabbath. Help us to enter into that rest even now. Grant us the material blessings necessary for us to live as we take the little day of rest that You have commanded us to observe. We rejoice in You. Lord God, we pray that You would grant to our hearts the joy of the fullest Jubilee in Your Son. We are priests who attend to You through Him. We also care for our brothers, for we have been redeemed from bondage. We are Your servants, and now we are Your Sons. What shall we be in the age to come? We know that we shall be like Jesus, for we shall see Him as He is. Grant us great joy in our families even now. Especially grant to us a fuller sense of our family joy in Your church. Why should the redeemed mourn or celebrate alone? We are Your people. We are Your servants. We are Your family.

Leviticus 26

God of Glory, You who made the heavens and the earth. Why would we make idols? Why would we hate the rest that You so kindly bestow upon us? Why would we turn away from Your Law. You have granted to us great promises for those who will believe and obey. Your Son has won for us the fullness of every blessing. We thank You, O God. By our own hypocrisy and disobedience we deserved the fullness of discipline from Your hand. You have discipline us in love, but not according to what we have deserved. We turn to You now. We will not walk contrary to You. Please do not send the curse of the covenant of works upon us. Please do not send Your fury against us. Your Son has fully atoned for our sins. Grant us a full mercy forever, Bring us rest in Jesus Christ. Take away our tears and our anxiety. We shall not perish forever. Please bring us resurrection lives. Do not leave our bodies in the grave forever. Come soon, Lord Jesus. We know that we spurned Your rules, but we hate our sin. You know that we cannot take much trouble or we will be ruined. We have had high spiritual pretensions, but low spiritual attainments. We have been given so much, and much is rightly required of us. Please forgive us.

Leviticus 27

Lord God, Your Son has made a precious vow upon the cross. We are the payment of that vow. His vow was a vow of persons. We have been promised to You by our gracious Savior. We will be perfectly holy one day, and we shall be Yours forever. We are Your servants, but we are also Your sons, and the bride of Your only-begotten Son, even His body. You have made such great promises to us. We have been redeemed. You certainly will not abandon us. We are not ashamed to ask You for those things that You have promised us in Your Word. You have said to us, “Never will I leave You. Never will I forsake You.” Please keep us in Your love forever.


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