Prayers based on the Songs of Ascent
Psalm 120
Lord God, please help us in our distress. There is much trouble all around us. It is a great challenge to live in this world. Our confidence is in Christ. For His sake You will hear us and help us.
Psalm 121
Father God, our help comes from You. You have created us, and You keep us through all kinds of difficulties. You will help us as we move along in our journey to the heavenly Jerusalem. You will keep us forever.
Psalm 122
Sovereign Lord, we long for Your presence. We thank You for the blessing of worship in Your temple even now. Your Son is full of the Holy Spirit. In Him there is full peace. We are united to Him, and are called the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 123
O God, we look to You. We need You day by day. There is no other place that we can go to for the mercy that we need. We need relief, O Lord. A proud foe is hard against us. We resist the devil and look to You for deliverance.
Psalm 124
Our Father, You have been our help. We are very thankful. Without You we surely would have fallen and been destroyed. You have helped us, Creator God. We will glorify Your Name forever.
Psalm 125
Lord God, we do trust in You. Make us to stand firm in Jesus Christ. Surround us and protect us. Cause us to live in obedience in the strength that comes from Your grace. By Your mercy bring Your church peace forever.
Psalm 126
Great God, You have given us laughter and joy in the day of Your deliverance. You have done great things for us. Now we have tears, but we will come home to You with shouts of joy. Our labor in Your Name is not in vain.
Psalm 127
Father God, You build the house. You watch over us. You guard us. We can sleep at night because of You. You will bring the next generation of faithful people forward. Surely Your Son Jesus Christ has a multitude of children who will glorify You forever.
Psalm 128
Our God, we will walk in Your ways. The day is coming when all things will be right. You have granted us a glorious family in Zion. You will bring perfect peace upon Your church, and we will dwell securely with You forever.
Psalm 129
Merciful God, Your people have faced much persecution for many generations. Surely those who hate You and who kill Your loved ones will face Your wrath. Our only hope is in Your Name. In Christ we have great blessing forever.
Psalm 130
Lord God, we cry to You again today. You have forgiven our many sins. Because of the mercies of Christ, we now wait for Him with hope. Your Son is our plentiful redemption. A day of the fullest joy is surely near.
Psalm 131
Our Father, we rest in You. Like a child we rest in the security of Your embrace. We rest in You and trust in You even now. Your people will not be put to shame, for Your love will endure forever and ever.
Psalm 132
God in Heaven, be with Your people who trust in the greatest Son of David. We are Your priests forever. We are counted as Your holy ones in Him. A Messiah has come for us, and He reigns. His crown will shine forever. We will rest in Zion according to Your promise.
Psalm 133
Great Lord, it is a joy to be together with our brothers as we serve You in peace. This is Your church. You have given us the oil of gladness. Our security in Christ will never be taken away.
Psalm 134
Great God, we have come to our destination. We look to You with the fullest happiness. Your Son’s hands are lifted up in blessing upon us even now. We are receiving a divine blessing from the heavenly Jerusalem. What a wonderful blessing!
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