Ezekiel 22
It is a great challenge for a prophet to speak in judgment against His own people. There is always the danger that He will be found to be a hypocrite with a log in His own eye, who is flailing about trying to remove the splinter from his neighbor. Despite this danger, there are times when God causes a man to speak for Him. When He speaks in judgment, He must speak with the voice of God, who has no sin at all. The Lord has raised up Ezekiel, not only to speak of the great things to come from God’s grace, but also to tell the truth of the case that God has against His covenant people according to His Law. They have shed innocent blood, and they have defiled the land with their gross idolatry. They have become fit objects of the Lord’s wrath and they will be publicly exposed by the Lord in the sight of the nations all around them.
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