Daniel 9
Daniel believed the word of God. He understood the prophecies of Jeremiah to be authoritative. According to Daniel’s understanding, the time had come for the fulfillment of the Lord’s Word in Jeremiah 25:11 that they would serve the king of
He spoke to God with an acknowledgement of the Lord’s greatness and righteousness and with confession of the sins of the people. The exile to
This trouble that has come upon
Daniel’s plea is based on the Lord’s own Name, and His love for
Daniel was heard. The angel Gabriel spoke to the prophet this comforting fact: “You are greatly loved.” God hears the pleas of His people in accord with His own good purposes. He has loved us with a great love in His Son Jesus Christ. Because of this we have been made alive, we believe in His Word, and we approach the Lord in prayer through the perfect mediation of Jesus Christ.
Though the words spoken to Daniel are supposed to give insight and understanding, as with the prior chapter, this does not mean that the prophet is given a full understanding of what is being spoken or that these words are simple or straight-forward. What we should be able to see is that the sovereign Lord has the future in His own hand. He will finish transgression. He will put an end to sin. He will atone for iniquity. He will bring in everlasting righteousness. He will complete special revelation, and he will anoint a most holy place with his presence. This will not take place without much suffering and opposition, but it is obvious from words that are otherwise quite challenging, that the mercy and righteousness of the Lord will be victorious.
The fullness of the wonder of these words cannot be entirely understood in the earlier tokens of fulfillment that come prior to the birth of Christ or in the inception of the New Covenant era. There is something here that moves us forward to the complete answer for sin and the fall, and the end to every abomination that brings desolation. There is a temple here that is beyond any structure in
Beyond everything else we should see here a Man greater than Daniel who made loud cries and supplications to God and was heard. We are told in Hebrews 5:7 that He was heard because of His reverence. By His one sacrifice He has accomplished all of the hopes of every prophetic revelation. We see in His own life, death, and resurrection the beginning of the new resurrection life that will come when the Lord returns. Now we long for an end to all transgression, iniquity, and sin. We have this already in Christ because He has atoned for our sins through the cross, but when He returns He will bring in the perfect kingdom of everlasting righteousness. He will anoint His church as the most holy place, and we will enter into the joy of the fullest eternal communion with our God and His people.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 6:00 AM
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