
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Friday, December 05, 2008

Prayers based on Matthew 1-4

Matthew 1
Lord God, grant that we would see Jesus Christ rightly in Your Word. He is the fulfillment of Your every promise. You have granted many kings to reign over Your people, but Jesus is far above them all. We thank You for the wonder of His two natures, for He is both human and divine. In His one person He has fully saved us from our sins. He is not only the Son of Mary. He is God with us. In Him we have been given a most excellent and secure heritage.

Matthew 2
Father, why have men hated Your Son even before He was known by them? What kind of spirit causes a Herod to pretend to be a worshipper of the one that he seeks to destroy? Yet this Jesus is the hope of even Gentiles who were seeking the coming of the Holy One as they looked to the skies. You have protected Your Son from powerful and evil men who hated His coming. Yet He was born to die according to Your own plan of salvation. Grant us more life in Him even now, for though He died, yet He lives forever.

Matthew 3
Sovereign Lord, there is so much for us to learn from Your Word. It is there plainly for us to hear and receive, but what will the condition of our hearts be when we hear the truth preached to us? Will we be willing to repent of our sin? Your Son had a complete commitment to fulfill all righteousness in the depths of His being. Grant to us this same Spirit, that we might be eager to hear and obey Your Word. Our Savior is fully pleasing to You. In Him we are Your beloved children.

Matthew 4
Glorious Lord, we do not understand the minds of men. How can we fathom the thoughts and actions of angels? Yet men and angels are all perfectly known by You. By Your Word Your Son resisted the temptations of Satan. He would not be distracted from His mission. Thank You for the light that has dawned upon us in the life and work of our King. We have been granted eyes to see Him as our hearts have been made alive by Your Spirit. When He called us to follow Him, we were given the grace to leave the world behind, and to serve our Messiah. Remind us day by day of the greatness of the One we serve, lest we foolishly return to the way that leads to death.


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