
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prayer based on Leviticus 5

Father God, what offering could we give to You for our unintentional sins? What could we give for our open rebellion? There is no remaining system of daily atonement. We thank You that we have a better solution to the problem of sin that the blood of bulls and goats. Christ shed His blood for us. Now we are called to enjoy a sacramental meal that reminds us that Jesus gave Himself for us. Our glorious Lord had no guilt. He was tempted in every way as we are, but He never violated Your holy commandments. His blood has purified Your sanctuary for us, and a new and sure way into Your presence has been won for us through His love. Sovereign Lord, You will never abandon Your demand for justice. Your holy Law must be satisfied. We admit our guilt before You. We cannot afford the penalty that is justly demanded from us. Even if we were to give our lives completely to You with the hope that our death might satisfy Your demands, this would not be enough for our offense against You. There is Another who has paid our debt in full. He has added yet more to His sacrifice, so that the stain of our transgression has been more than covered. Our guilt has been erased, and His goodness has become ours by Your great plan of grace. Blessed be Your Name, O God.


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