
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayer based on John 19

Father God, give us strength for the work of prayer and service that You have appointed for us this day. We don’t want to give up, but we are so weak. Your Son faced such brutal attacks for us, yet without sin. Let His heart and mind be in us now so that we will serve You with integrity and zeal. He is the man above men, yet He took the lowest place in history when He died for our sins. He is the King of kings, but His crown was a crown of thorns, and His royal robe the gift of those who mocked Him. He is the Son of God, but the people of His creation demanded that He be crucified. Father, we know that You govern all things, and that the day of the death of Your Son came by Your express plan and foreknowledge. Will we still resist You in some area of our lives? Your Son is the fulfillment of every hope and expectation of Your Word. Thank You for the gift of Your church. In Your household we find a family that will live forever. The death of Your Son has won for us eternal life. Through the events of His burial we know of the certainty of His death. Though our bodies may one day rest in the grave, we shall be forever alive in Christ.


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