1 Peter 5
What did Peter write about church government? His teaching here is consistent with his instructions concerning servant leadership in every relationship of true authority established by God. What kind of husband does Peter tell a Christian man to be? What kind of civil ruler, or what kind of church leader? All of our understanding about being in charge of anything starts with the cross.
Peter is not sitting on an earthly throne of royal privilege as he writes this letter. He is a fellow elder writing to elders, those who are to provide spiritual nurture from above for the Lord's people. All that we are as servants of Christ should be informed by the sufferings of our Redeemer, of which Peter was an eyewitness. We add to this a consideration of the glory that is going to be revealed, knowing that heavenly life is better than earthly power.
Therefore we shepherd the flock of God in the church with a strong belief that a willing people will come to the Lord in the day of His power. See Psalm 110:3. The idea of becoming a church leader as a way of getting money should be far from us. We are not to be pushy people who insist on our own way in everything, but humble examples to others. This is the way to shepherd the flock of God. Elders should be examples of steadfast love who can be safely followed by others as they follow Christ.
When the Chief Shepherd, Jesus, returns again, He has an unfading crown of glory made especially for you, a trophy appropriate to the life of good works that He has given you. All of us need to put away anything that feels and looks like pride or self-preoccupation, and take up this good life of service.
Do you want God to oppose you? No one who is thinking sensibly could have that kind of desire. But He tells us that He opposes the proud. Do you need God's grace? Of course you do. We all have sin, and we need the Lord's blessing. The grace of God is the only way for us. Here is the way to receive that grace. “He gives grace to the humble.” It is that simple. In the humility of true faith recognize your faults and ask God for His forgiveness and help.
How can we follow the Lord's instruction that we humble ourselves? Don't meditate on the honors that men give to men. Set your heart on giving glory to God in heaven, now and forever. He will exalt you at the proper time. Until that day, you know that there are many troubles in this life. How do you battle your fears? Take all your anxiety that will only crushing you, and cast it on the Man who can bear the burden of our sin: Jesus Christ. He cares for you, and He will not cast you away.
There is a being of horrible evil, the devil, who once wanted to sift Peter as wheat. But the Lord Jesus prayed for him, that his faith would not fail. And when he came back, surely he did what Jesus instructed him to do. He strengthened His brothers in the faith.
The devil is looking for people to devour and to destroy. Why should you be one of them? Yes, we trust the Lord concerning our fate, but why should we grant our adversary an easy target for his mischief?
There is no reason for you to be devoured by spiritual enemies of the church. Stay alert. Recognize every temptation of immoral living or faithless grumbling, and resist what is evil. No matter how attractive the wrapping paper may look, the “present” inside may be your downfall. God will never give up on any of His elect. He will keep you. Yet His warnings are given so that we can hear them, and save ourselves from unnecessary trauma. If the devil is looking for someone to devour, I think it should be someone else and not you. Don't you agree?
Stay firm in your faith. Don't split yourself off from the assembly of those who worship the Lord. Listen to God's Word. Be there at the Lord's table, knowing that Jesus gave Himself for you, and do everything He says.
If you do suffer, remember that you are not alone. People all over the world in every century since the days of the resurrection of Jesus, have felt the hand of God, who disciplines those He loves. The Lord will not give you trouble forever. After a little while, the help of God will come to you, one way or another. It may happen today! Before this day is over you may hear the news you long for.
Perhaps you will not be freed from some fiery furnace today, but the Lord will undoubtedly pick you up from your current trouble at just the right time. He knows about every Joseph in prison, just as He knew about Jesus in the grave. He will restore you, confirm you, strengthen you, and establish you. He is not lacking in the power to do all these good things. He is the God of eternal dominion.
Do you love this great Savior and Chief Shepherd of the church? So many years ago the Lord Jesus asked His friend Peter this question three times. “Do you love Me?” His care for others in the church was to be an expression of His love for Christ.
Peter was kept in the grace of God. He was blessed through his years in this earthly Babylon, and he is now in that Jerusalem above. On earth He had the kiss of Christ's love through the lips of men who worshiped the Lord. Now He is in the place where the Savior's lips give the glorified brothers and sisters in the faith a better kiss of eternal peace. This blessing is for you and for all who are in Christ. Wait for the glory that will be revealed, and lead others in the light of the love of the cross.
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