Hebrews 13
Throughout the centuries of church life, people have had all kinds of strange ideas about the kind of life that is pleasing to God. We wish them well, but we cannot always agree with their directives for godly living. There is little doubt that the way to follow the Redeemer is to live a life of love.
“Let brotherly love continue.” It is easier to make a start at love for a few days than it is to keep at it. If your church is trying to follow Jesus in love, at a minimum do not stand in the way of that kind of sincere and quiet commitment. Let love continue. Do not be the critic, but the helper.
Are there strangers in your midst, new people who are lonely? Show them love. Find out what would make them happy and, if it is in the will of the Lord and in your power to provide, give them the help and friendship that will be easiest for them to receive. That's the way that the Hebrew patriarchs ended up feeding angels without even being aware of what they were doing.
Are some in trouble for their faith? Be a friend to them, even if they are in prison. This attention to the needs and happiness of suffering people is nothing more than doing unto others what you would have them do for you and loving your neighbor as yourself.
Stay far away from all immorality. It will not bring you freedom, but only bondage. If you have sunk too low into some mess, and you don't know how to recover, start with God, confessing your sins, and let some trusted elder speak words of forgiveness, cleansing, and blessing over you in the Name of the Lord. Then take whatever steps are necessary to restore your marriage and to cut off all adulterous affections.
Stay away from dreams of power and wealth. Do not love money; it is far too great a deceiver. God is your Lover and your Benefactor. He will take care of you. You can be content with what He gives you.
This is the pattern that has been well-established for us by the best leaders in the church. It is the pattern of Jesus Himself, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Stay far away from all strange suggestions of ceremonial life, new or old, that promise holiness through outward rituals that cannot touch the diseased soul. It is God's grace, preached, heard, received, believed, and followed that will do you the greatest good by far.
Some strange worship alternatives boast of impressive sanctuaries and altars. But we are not lacking in an impressive sacrificial altar. Our holy place is not in Jerusalem, but in heaven. Why spoil your spiritual appetite by filling your heart with holy foods from lesser altars? Heaven is to be preferred to every shrine that men can devise.
The Old Testament priests had to bring the leftover garbage from their sacrifices outside the camp, because the camp was holy. Jesus died outside the gate of the city of Jerusalem in a place reserved for garbage. We go to him where he is, serving in places of disgrace where He may be found. There we love people who are counted as nothing by others. We are sanctified by the blood of Jesus. No religious ceremony can improve upon that. If we serve in a place that seems disgraceful to men, we have a better city coming down from heaven that is far superior to any great place of human boasting.
What an immense privilege it is that our praise to God reaches the heavenly Jerusalem through Jesus. The life we are cultivating is one of true worship sincerely lived out in the joy of Christ. This is the good life, and no strange spirituality can ever replace it. There is no better way to please God.
The best church leaders will direct people in this kind of life both through example and through teaching. Such men can be safely obeyed. One day your church leaders will have to give an answer to God for you. How well have they led you in ways of faith and love? If you resist their good efforts at every turn, they will soon be complaining to God about you, and that can't be good. Follow them happily as they follow Christ. Pray for such men, that they would act honorably in all things, and that the Lord would establish the work of His own hands through their labors in Christ.
God is our powerful help in a life of challenging love. He brought Jesus back from the dead. Surely He will help us to live a life of resurrection love. Christ has offered up the blood of the eternal covenant. There is no possible way to improve upon His offering to the Father. The purpose of God will be accomplished. The great Shepherd of the sheep lives on high and is still directing His church. God will give us everything we need in order to serve Him well now, and we will do His will through Jesus, to whom be all glory forever.
We receive the greetings and blessings of heaven's King upon the church and we are empowered to believe and to obey. Throughout this world the true faith is one faith. Wherever Christ is named as Lord the true life is one life. Follow Jesus.
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