
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Psalm 32

There cannot be a good conclusion to the human story unless sin is finally dealt with in some permanent way. The only solution to that massive problem required the death of the Son of God. But that has already happened, and people are still sinning. What now?

First, there are many who have not availed themselves in any way of the cross of Christ. They have never trusted in the only credible answer to the problem of sin in the person and works of the Son of God. The one who wants the blessing of forgiveness needs to find a source of righteousness that is able to bear the heavy load of our guilt in a way that is acceptable to God. Only Christ can do this. Lean on Him.

Through faith in Christ, a man appropriates this tremendous benefit: The Lord will not count his sin against him, and Christ's obedience is credited to his account. This is the beginning of heavenly blessings.

Yet those who have trusted in Christ still struggle with sin. Faith in Jesus is the beginning of the true answer of forgiveness, but it is not the end of that answer. Progress in actual holiness also comes from Jesus. The King of righteousness sends His Holy Spirit upon us. From the same source of Christ and the cross that has worked our complete and immediate justification come resources for our gradual increase in holiness known as sanctification. This is also an important part of the cross-based answer to the problem of sin. Those who have believed in Christ for justification, professing with their lips the true gift of faith in their hearts, must also repent of sin. Find specific forgiveness for particular sins. Increasingly walk toward a new life of godliness and love that is sincere and true. Anything less than this is spiritual deceit.

Progress in obedience does not normally come easily to recovering sinners. They think they have a better idea: grace without the progressive holiness of a more complete surrender. They know that they have changes to make, but they expect to hide these secrets from God. Yet the marrow within their very bones is known to the Almighty One. If God's hand of loving discipline is upon them, they should not resist His good work. He will accomplish all His plans.

The best thing to do is to acknowledge sins to the Lord without delay or excuse. Confess your sins to God. He knows what is happening in every hidden place. Tell Him what He already knows, and turn from all your sins. He will certainly forgive you.

If you are harboring some secret sin, confess it immediately. The Lord can be found today. No man can make any guarantees about tomorrow. It is hard to fathom, but tomorrow or the next day may be too late for you to repent. You place your head on the pillow and think about the confession you will make to God in the morning, but He may meet you before you are willing to meet Him. What will you say to Him when the time for repenting is entirely over?

Please do not expect that by your own power you can clean your way out of the mess that you are in. Don't suppose that you will eventually be good, and then the need for an honest confession will be gone. This world is a tough place for weary addicts and for people who plan to worship God at some later date yet unspecified. The Jesus of the cross who justifies and sanctifies the worst of the worst who cry out to Him for help offers this important Word to you: “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

Do you suppose that you are a man of power and independence? Do you want to come to Jesus, but are sure you don't need any religious crutch. You suppose that you can handle your salvation your own way. This is all the nonsense of spiritual pride that only gives people diseased minds. We need every support to our faith that God will provide. God is our hiding place. He is our only hold in all kinds of troubles and sins. He is our deliverance.

The only alternative to this is the way of the stubborn mule. The crazy heart that simply will not give in to Jesus on His own terms is in no position to offer spiritual advice to anyone else. He needs a bit and bridle in his own mouth, because He will not repent. He says, “I have trusted in God by grace. My sins are forgiven already based on the cross. Can't I leave well enough alone?”

Does this describe you? Do you love Jesus, but are unwilling to worship Him or obey Him? Why should you sign up for so many troubles in your life? Don't you know that the wicked have many sorrows. A repentant man has sorrows too, but the Lord can give him more grace, more hope, and a peace that passes understanding.

The Lord's own steadfast love is the source of so many good gifts that people cannot buy. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Only He can save. But add sincere repentance to your faith. This life is no place for a weary sinner. Do not make it harder than it has to be by closing your ears to the Lord's call to holiness and love. Give in to Him at this very moment, and rejoice in the Lord always!


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