Bible Survey - #2 - Genesis 2
Man and Wife
When a man and a woman make their life-long commitment to each other as husband and wife, the minister says these words: “I now pronounce you man and wife.” This expression, “man and wife,” goes back to the very first marriage, where Adam is called “the man,” and Eve is called “his wife.”
God created marriage. According to his direction, a “man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife.” The Lord created us male and female, and he determined in the beginning of time that it was not good for the man to be alone. His kind provision for Adam was expressed in His creation of the woman, who was a helpmate for him; one who was like him in some ways, and yet different from him in other ways, with the two forming a wonderful partnership of love and service.
Throughout the ages of human history, God has provided men and women as special lifelong partners for one and other. Together they are to pursue what is good and right and honoring to Him. It has been God's good pleasure that marriage would be the building block of all human society. But marriage has this higher purpose; it is a living illustration of the special love of a Promise-Keeping Savior for His faithful and obedient people.
It was not good that man should be alone.
God made a helper like, but not like, him.
Now man and wife are two that God made one,
And Jesus and His bride are seen through them.
Pastor Steve, this was really helpful as I read it I thought of a conversation I just had the night before with my 25 year old nephew. We were talking about patience in waiting for the right woman to come into his life and it was a wonderful opportunity for me as his auntie to give him some of my gray hair wisdom. Then I read this the next day and I found it completely appropriate for the completion of our conversation so I copied it and sent it to him in a followup email. He wrote me back today and thanked me for reminding him that God does have a plan even if it is taking longer than he thinks it should. Thanks for all you wonderful writings, teachings and insights they are a blessing to us all. DS
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