Psalm 58
The Almighty One has given mankind a god-like responsibility to judge and to rule. Some are granted special positions of authority to be used for the good purposes of the one God who created the heavens and the earth. The Lord calls such human judges “gods” in this psalm.
Yet these “gods” are not the ultimate God. They themselves will face judgment.
Over the many centuries of human existence rulers and officials have come and gone. So many have oppressed the weak for their own purposes. Is there no answer from God on high? Does He exist? Does He see this wickedness? Will there be a day when powerful oppressors are judged by God?
We have forgotten even the names of thousands of petty officials who used their places of service to serve themselves and to pursue unrighteousness. God has not forgotten. He will judge.
Some powerful rulers have pretended to bring heaven on earth, at least for those who will be in league with them. Yet they spread violence upon the earth, pursuing their own agenda of hate. The Lord will judge them.
We might suppose that such wicked rulers were once innocent babies who only took a wrong turn. This is a mistake. The wicked ruler was wicked from birth. He eventually learned the technique of lying, but the will to lie in order to gain his own desire was there before he knew how to lie. From the beginning he would not follow the voice of God.
Eventually the wicked man grew in subtlety of mind and in power of arm or persuasion of mind and tongue. Once he secured his position of authority and removed those who threatened his power, he began to express his own wicked plans, and to press them forward with the agreement of trusted associates who had unquestioning loyalty toward the great voice. But if any “friend” looked at him the wrong way, told a joke at his expense, or simply made a convenient example to others of why they should all fear the despotic ruler, it was off to the gulag with such a man.
Where can mankind turn when they are under the thumb of such a monster who insists that he is a comrade, but who controls others as a god, yet is not good? There is a real God who will judge justly. The fortress of the wicked might seem insurmountable, but like all mankind, he too will face his Maker. On that day he will tremble.
Yet how have I fared with the power I have been given? Have I been easily captivated by dark unseen powers that whispered in my own ear, “You will not surely die.” When I was in the position of a god, as one created in His image, and charged with dominion, have I been good?
Jesus was called good by men, but even He said to them the secret that unlocks the true story of my great need: “There is none good but one, that is, God.”
I must find my goodness in Him. I must hear the voice of the one truly righteous Ruler. Pilate had the words “King of the Jews” written above the cross of Christ. The only truly good man, was the Son of God who came to die for me.
If I am counted as among the righteous, that can only be the goodness of God applied to my record. In myself, the sad record of abuse of power can be found. In Christ there was not one rebel thought, word, or action against the Law of His Father. He was full of goodness and love. He lived out His kingship during His brief days on earth in the fullness of holy love. Let me be found in Him.
To stand all on my own and to be judged as a god would be certain eternal death. I will gladly take my place with those who hear the voice of the Son of God and live.
Lord, let me never abuse the weak. Let me follow the Son of God.
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