
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Psalm 63

Godless religion brings death. The more serious a practitioner a man is of the theology, liturgy, and laws of godless religion, the more eager he is to fill his mind and mouth with murderous hatred. We live in the era of Immanuel, God with us. Every one who thinks that he has God, but who does not have the Son, has no life. It is time to walk further away from godless religion, and to be filled with the Spirit of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ.

People who are filled with the Son of God and the Holy Spirit will be full of gentleness. Religionists that are only full of theology, liturgy, and laws will soon be filled with hatred and will breath murderous threats against others.

The true worshiper of God says, “My soul thirsts for You.” He wants God. In worship he finds the power and glory of the Lord. In the praise of God he finds the steadfast love of the Lord, His covenant faithfulness, and is moved to more heartfelt and vibrant worship. Finding God, he knows that he has the supreme Good that will last forever. He lifts His hands to heaven, as a child lifts up his arms to the father or mother in whom he fully trusts.

The child of God knows then that the Lord will watch over him. He knows that heaven is real, and that the future of bounty and blessing that he has with his god is secure. Even now he begins to taste heaven's fruit in his soul and life. Even when he is by himself, even in the middle of the night, he remembers God, he thinks about God, because his soul clings to the God who is with him. He has the everlasting protection of the Almighty, and he sings for joy.

Yet just as Jesus faced the murderous hatred of those who were dedicated only to theology, liturgy, and law, but who rejected the Son of God and were devoid of the Spirit of gentleness, even today the lover of God may feel the hatred of others who have only idea constructs that lead to death. They sought to destroy the Holy One of God. Yet through His death on the cross, our life has been established. He is risen indeed, and we are full of life and love when we are full of Him.

Those who have only threats and murder in their service of God will one day face their own last day. Herod, Pilate, and Caiaphas all died. But Jesus lives. And all who truly rejoice in the Father and the Son live forever in Jesus in a place where the mouths of all the proud abusers and false religionists no longer trouble the Lord's beloved people.

Today if you hear His voice do not harden your heart. Today is a good day to move away from death by asking God for the Son of His life to live within you.


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