
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deuteronomy 29

Does the Lord hear me when I call out to Him? Can I actually hear Him speaking to me?

Moses spoke to God, and God spoke to Moses. He had amazing access to God. He was the covenant mediator between God and Israel.

Christ is our covenant Mediator. He is the One who tells us that we can pray to God and call Him our Father. He also says that we are His chosen flock, and that His sheep hear His voice.

We cannot give up on communion with God.

When we meet in worship on the first day of the week, we gather together to renew covenant with our Father through Jesus Christ, His Son. We celebrate our communion with the Lord by partaking in the covenant meal of bread and wine.

But we need more fellowship with God than that one hour per week. We need to hear the voice of the Lord as His children. We need to know that He hears us. We need to believe that we can actually walk in the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes it all feels unreal. How does a person open his mouth and just speak to the Almighty? But this is what our Mediator has told us to do. We need to believe Him and follow Him.

Moses said to the Israelites, “To this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear.” But we have more than they did. The Word of God has come to this earth in person. He has given Himself as the Passover Lamb. He has risen from the dead as the firstfruits of a new era. From heaven itself, our Lord gives us the Holy Spirit of God, and He dwells within us.

Jesus has defeated more fierce enemies for us than the formidable armies that Israel faced while they were preparing to take the land. He has conquered death for us. He is at work in our lives, though our ears may not hear an audible voice, and though our weak hearts may doubt whether anyone is listening when we pray. We need to trust our covenant Mediator. The One who died and rose again for us would not lead us astray. He is not messing with us. We belong to Him, and He is going to help us to follow in the ways of the covenant.

The covenant that we have with the Lord God is not the one that was made at Horeb, where Moses received the commandments. It is not the covenant that was renewed on the plains of Moab in the episode recorded for us in this chapter. We have the new covenant that God promised many years later in Jeremiah 31:31-34. He has put His law on our hearts. We know Him and He knows us. He has forgiven all our iniquities.

This new covenant was made through the death of Christ. We were not there on that day, but there can be no doubt that this new covenant was for us just as surely as the cross was for us.

Do not give up on the Lord today. Do not let a root of bitterness take hold in your life. Ask the Lord to take away your stubbornness of heart, and receive His generous forgiveness.

We are heirs of the promise given to Abraham, a promise that came before Moses was born. Our inclusion in that promise is based on the perfect obedience of the Son of God for us. His death has more than covered our debt. God is our Father. Jesus is our Lord. He took the curse of the covenant for us. We can walk in the free gift of eternal life today.

You can talk to God. He will hear you. You can hear His Word calling you out of despair. He is your God, and you are His chosen friend.

There are many questions that we do not have the answers to. The Lord knows. But there are some very important truths that have been revealed to us. Cling to them. You are a child of God. Trust Him again today.


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