
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Friday, April 27, 2012

Psalm 135

It is time for all the earth to praise the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is time to praise the Lord. Surely my soul should praise God right now without the slightest embarrassment or hesitation!

You and I are servants of the Lord in His glorious people-house, the church. We have come to know that Jesus, the Man who bled and died for us, is Lord of all. His Name is pleasant, since it means, “The Lord saves,” or “The Lord is salvation!”

I recently heard accounts of the dramatic salvation of several Muslim men in the Middle East, and of an elderly Jewish man in America. Both came to an almost immediate awareness that Jesus is God. All over the world, people will hear the Voice of God today and believe. Jesus saves! Praise His Name!

People worship all kinds of gods, but the God of the Jews is the only true and living God. He is over all. He is the God of creation, making all things of nothing, but He is also the God of all that exists right now. Why else would Jesus talk about the number of hairs on your head and a sparrow that falls to the ground if not to assure you that He is in charge of every detail in your life?

He is also the God of history and the God of the future. He is working out His eternal purpose to unite all things in Jesus Christ, things in heaven and things on earth. When He saved Israel out of Egypt, that was a part of a larger plan. When His Son died on the cross, that story moved from the killing of a Passover lamb, to the death of the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus saves!

The Lord was able to give the land of Canaan to His people. That too was a part of His larger plan. Now, through the Jewish Messiah and His church, all the ends of the earth will see the saving power of God. Jesus will not lose. His resurrection wins. It is the first part of a much larger reality. Already people are finding life through His Name, but one day, He will give life to our mortal bodies as the fullness of His people-house comes, and the meek inherit the earth. He will have mercy on His suffering servants from all the generations of Israel and the church.

Forget about any god your hands could make. Those gods are nothing but trouble. Bless the Name of the God who is Lord over the heavenly Jerusalem! Praise Jesus, the Risen Lamb of God!


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