
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Proverbs 26

I would rather think and write about wisdom than folly, but the Lord writes about both.
What is folly? If wisdom is about holy thinking, speaking, and living, then folly is the reprobate counterpart of that good life. The fool says in his heart that there is no God, and then he talks and acts accordingly. His pathway is not only fruitless, it is destructive.
But God tells us in Proverbs 26:12 that there is more hope for a fool than for a man who is wise in his own eyes. There is hope for anyone who will repent. But the man steeped in error who is so sure that he is right is seriously stuck. He thinks he is healthy so he has no need for anyone to heal him.
Sin poisons the soul so that a lazy man who does not know what he is talking about imagines that he is a genius who has great insights that everyone should hear. How can I avoid this kind of self-deception? Is there some connection between humble activity and clarity of soul? Could it be that the man who will get out of bed and get to work helping someone else or supporting his family will be more likely to think in ways that are pleasing to the Lord? It may depend on what he lets into his mind while he is doing his work. But laziness will never be the answer in life for anyone.
The fool, the sluggard, the meddler, the clown, the contentious man, the whisperer, the hateful hypocrite, the flatterer; none of these will bring about the righteousness that God requires of man. Such were some of us. But we have been washed by the blood and righteousness of a noble man of integrity. He went about His humble work of obedience to the Father in the fullness of hope. What does “the fullness of hope” mean? Jesus had perfect confidence in the promises that God had made to Him and to us. He walked in that blessed assurance. This is what life is like when it is lived in the fullness of hope. It is not the absence of tragedy; it is the presence of God with us as we keep going.
How can I follow this man? By the grace of God I can hear His Word of encouragement and believe. I can repent of any habits of my heart that are inconsistent with heavenly life. I can ask Him for the daily strength to live a quiet life in all godliness and sincerity. I can be filled with the Spirit of God and get up again each morning to do the good works that God by His grace has prepared in advance for me to do. There is wisdom in that.


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