
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ruth 4

Boaz was committed to following the way of the Lord. Though he was honored by Ruth's indication that she would respond favorably to a proposal from him to be her redeemer, he knew that there was someone else who had the first right to make that proposal according to God's law.
Boaz had spoken very kindly to Ruth. He had interpreted her actions in the most favorable light. Yet he was aware that everyone might not see the young woman as he saw her. To some other man Naomi's land might have been worth purchasing but not if Ruth came with the land.
Marriage and inheritance issues were not to be settled secretly in Israel. Boaz had due regard for the role of the elders of the city and for the community where he lived. Most of all he wanted to honor God. In a respectful way he was able to expose before others that the man who had the first right of redemption rejected that right. He did not have to force that decision upon him. This other relative was brought to make that testimony with his own mouth. He did not want Ruth. He saw her as a complication to his existing family structure. He did not see her rightly.
When Christ contemplated our redemption, He looked upon His church as a worthy prize. How could that be? He saw her not as a person from an undesirable country, but as a glorified daughter of the Zion that is above. He saw her as she would be, without spot or blemish, perfected in holiness. Most men would not have wanted the church, especially when they learned the cost of her redemption. Even if any man had desired to give his life for her, he would not have been able to pay the price. The life that was required for our ransom had to be a sinless offering.
We have a vibrant hope through the death and resurrection of our Lord. He had the holy vision to see what would eventually come to pass and the righteous resolve to pay what was required.
Boaz wanted Ruth. She was not an extra complication. From their union came the line of kings that led to the only Redeemer of God's elect. On that day when Boaz declared his intentions before the elders the community of the faithful were able to see a glimpse of future blessing. They remembered the fruitfulness that had come from Jacob's marriages with Rachel and Leah and even from the surprising union of Judah and Tamar. They spoke good words upon Boaz and the woman who was worth more to Naomi than seven sons.
The people of God are called to share in the vision of Boaz. We are to see the church and her Husband in the light of glory and to rejoice in the love of our Redeemer. We are to gather together in covenant assembly and to name the fruit of this blessed union with the confidence that the Lord works all things together for good for those who are called according to His holy purpose.
The Lord has not left His people without a Redeemer. May the Name of Jesus be renowned throughout all the nations of the earth! He brings hope to those who think that their life is over. He gives fruitfulness to the widow who is beyond the age of bearing children. All hail the Son of David, the King of the ages, and the Husband of the church!


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