
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1 Chronicles 22

God chose the location of the Old Testament temple. David lived through the wrenching process of finding out that choice presented in the previous chapter. In this chapter we see the king's passion for this great endeavor.
The work ahead would require much preparation and sacrifice. Many hands would be involved. David's son, Solomon, would eventually lead this massive undertaking. David wanted to do all he could to prepare the way for Solomon.
Building the temple was never just a matter of designing the structure and gathering the raw materials. The work would require Solomon's leadership. David's zeal would not be enough. His son would have to see this project through to a glorious conclusion.
When David prepared his son for this mission he impressed upon him the fact that God's presence in this work would be essential. Solomon would not succeed unless the Lord was with him. This great son of David would have to obey the Lord's commandments not merely as an architect or project manager but as a man and a king.
Fear and discouragement would not be Solomon's allies in the work ahead. He needed courage and spiritual strength that comes from faith in God. David had done what he could. Solomon would have to do more. Most of all, Solomon would need the Lord.
David's son would be king, but he would need many other godly leaders under him in order for this great project to prosper. David charged all the leaders of Israel to help Solomon. He reminded them of God's faithfulness and told them that they needed to seek God first in their lives.
Solomon had an important mission before him. Is our task any less significant than his? The Lord Jesus Christ has called us to be with Him in the building of His church which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The work that He has for us involves people for whom He died. We cannot build the Lord's temple with slogans and attractive pictures. We need to do the hard work of making disciples. This means loving the people that the Lord puts in our lives, starting with our own families. We need to look for the presence of God in their struggles and joys. When they are willing to grow in their faith and obedience we need to teach them everything that Christ has commanded. The Lord is with us. He is a great and faithful King. He must be first in our lives.


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