Isaiah 8
In the previous chapter, with the help of New Testament
quotations, we received the announcement concerning a child who would
one day come, Immanuel, “God with us.” In Isaiah 8 the prophet is
told about another child who will be a sign for the Lord's people.
His name will be Maher-shalal-hash-baz, “The spoil speeds, the prey
hastens.” What spoils of war? What captured beast of what predator?
Judah was concerned about Israel to the north and Syria to the
northeast. In league together, these nations hoped to take possession
of Judah. Yet whatever success those other nations might have had,
the Lord was bringing a bigger imperial power from further east, the
Assyrian Empire. That imposing military force would quickly take away
any gains from the hands of Israel and Syria.
Why would this happen? Because the Lord's people refused
the heavenly “waters” of their God. Instead they had preferred
the “river” of Assyria's military might. Foreign warriors would
soon descend upon Judah like a flood. They would take hold of much of
the land that God had given to His people. Only Jerusalem would be
kept safe from them. Despite this swiftly approaching danger, the
Lord insisted that Judah should not be overcome with panic regarding
the threatening forces of this world. Instead, they were to honor God
as the Lord of all armies. “Let Him be your fear, and let Him be
your dread.”
The land that would fall into the hands of the Assyrians
actually belonged to the Son of God. The good promises of the
Almighty were entirely centered in Him. He would be a “sanctuary”
for the true people of faith, both Jews and Gentiles, and “a stone
of offense and a rock of stumbling” to many who should have
received Him as Lord. See Isaiah 8:14 as quoted by Paul in Romans
9:33 and by Peter in 1 Peter 2:4-8.
In general, the people of Judah in Isaiah's day were not
willing to honor God and believe His Word. Therefore they fell for
every conspiracy theory and were regularly overcome by their terror
of other nations. Only the true “children” of Isaiah, his
disciples who believed the Word of God, could truly rejoice in the
Lord's promises. Most people in Judah were prepared to join the
unfaithful and to “inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who
chirp and mutter.” They should have turned to the living God rather
than to dead idols.
How can anyone avoid the loud voices of the crowd that
would move them in accord with worldly passions? In the days of
Isaiah, too many in Judah were overwhelmed with the military plans of
Israel and Syria. What are the dangers that too easily paralyze us
today? More importantly, how can we pay more attention to the voice
of Jesus than to the advice of others who would lead us into panic?
The ancient words of Isaiah still show us the right way to hear from
our Lord. “To the teaching and to the testimony!” If any
spiritual advisers will not speak according to this Word, “it is
because they have no dawn.”
from A
Book of Prayers
Almighty Father,
You have spoken through the prophets. Your words were faithful in the
mouths of Your holy servants, but they longed for a better
fulfillment, one that is ours now in Your church. We still desire the
best of all answers to our holiest longings. Come soon, Lord Jesus!
Until that final day, there is some measure of difficulty among us.
Yet You have given Your church the privilege of being a sign to the
world. You have planted the seed of Your true Word in our hearts, and
we believe. Why will men turn to deceiving demons, when You have
clearly spoken to Your people? We trust in You and we cling to Your
Word and Your testimony.
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