Isaiah 17
How long will any nation last? At the height of her
power the people of every country dream that their land is going to
continue forever. Yet the study of history and careful meditation
upon God's Word forces us to a position of more appropriate humility.
Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.
Meanwhile the eternal gospel will be proclaimed to the whole earth,
and a very different kingdom that is not like any other enterprise in
this world will be established and it will last forever.
Syria was once a great power. Her capital Damascus was
mentioned in Isaiah 17. It is common for an entire country to be
referred to in the Bible by the name of a leading city. Also, when
the great city was taken, the whole society was humiliated. Damascus,
we are told by Isaiah, will be a heap of ruins. Other important
cities where many people were active in commerce and communication
will now find their highest and best use to be only pasturelands for
whatever flocks may remain after so many people have been destroyed.
The symbols of military might will be leveled, and only a few people
will remain.
We know that Damascus was captured by Tiglath-Pileser, a
king of ancient Assyria, in 732 BC. Shortly after that the northern
kingdom of Israel and her leading city of Samaria would also be
subdued. All that would be left of Syria would be a tiny percentage
of the fruitfulness that she once enjoyed. The remaining people would
be like the two or three olives that have been missed on a tree after
the harvesters have done a thorough job of gathering the good
What would it be like to have a whole nation destroyed?
All that was familiar and worthy of respect would suddenly be brought
low. Only then might the people look to their Maker rather than to
the idols which they once worshiped. Severe loss would perhaps help
even Israel to consider once again the God of power who had created
them. He alone could be the Rock of refuge for His people in a day of
great trouble.
Who can stop the powerful foe when God grants him the
opportunity to discipline and to destroy? His armies come like
thunder, and the roar of his warriors makes an entire nation tremble.
Once-mighty powers that have destroyed others are eventually brought
to the day when a more terrifying adversary is able to dictate the
terms of international relations. How far the mighty fall in that
Syria once approached Jerusalem with very proud boasts,
but the Lord could make her flee in a moment before the storm of His
presence. In the day of Syrian power, she had the capability of
looting the people of God’s nation. But this was only by the
permission of God, and only for a season of His choosing.
Though we may seem to lose for a time under the
oppression of the world, the outcome of our warfare is not in doubt.
Our great leader of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, has said that
we will have tribulation in this world. Yet we are to be of good
cheer, for He Himself has overcome the world. In His strength and
faithfulness we stand fast in the gospel. The enemies of the name of
Jesus cannot win forever. The love of God in Christ will be
from A
Book of Prayers
God of Glory, Your
works of redemption are marvelous. We would not see the wonder of
salvation if You had no wrath against sin. There will be a powerful
display of Your righteous judgment when Your Son returns. This would
have been our portion had You not rescued us from great trouble. How
can we thank You enough for Your kindness to us? We do not know what
to say or do. Lead us forward as Your children. Show us how to follow
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