Isaiah 45
The name Cyrus was already mentioned by Isaiah in the
previous chapter—an amazing detail referring to Cyrus the Great who
reigned in Persia in the sixth century BC. Remember that Isaiah
ministered in the eighth and seventh centuries BC, long before the
birth of this Cyrus, who had such a prominent place in these chapters
of prophecy and in the deliverance of many peoples, including the
Jews. Cyrus would defeat the Babylonians, and would eventually issue
the decree authorizing the return of many Jews to their homeland and
the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.
Cyrus was called here the Lord’s anointed. That was
another way of saying “Messiah” or “Christ.” The anointed one
was chosen by God for a special task of deliverance and salvation for
the people of God. Here the title was given to a non-Jewish emperor.
God was able to use a wide variety of people for the accomplishment
of His will. God led the way for Cyrus. He brought him to power and
removed obstacles that stood in his way. It was God who was able to
call such a man by name for the sake of His people Israel, even
though this man may not have worshiped the Almighty.
Cyrus was an amazing figure in human history, but we are
most interested in God. Who is this God? He loves righteousness, and
He will bring about the fruit of righteousness as His wonderful plans
unfold. Seemingly unbeatable foes can be easily defeated by Him.
Strong nations that seem unstoppable can be brought to an end in a
moment. He is in charge of the earth and the stars. He rules men and
angels. He knows and brings about things that are to come. This God
sets Cyrus in place at just the right time to complete His own holy
Though the Lord’s ways are most complex, and though
His secret will cannot be guessed or fully understood by men, this is
not because He is being entirely secretive in all of His works. He
has shown to us the way of righteousness and truth in His Son. He has
made the meaning of His moral law clear for all who would have a
heart to follow Him. But have we obeyed? We need Him to overcome our
As God is Savior, He has also provided a Messiah-Savior
who is far above Cyrus. Cyrus the Great performed the will of his
Creator without having a very complete understanding of the Lawgiver
behind all of the providential events in which he was a central
figure. By contrast, Jesus played His part as the Son of God as one
who willingly became man in order to accomplish a mission with which
He was perfectly aware. Christ understood our sin. He knew the
penalty that the Law demanded and willingly accepted the punishment
for us. As His Father is God and Savior, so the Son of God is also
God and Savior. He understood His office as the Anointed One in the
plan of redemption and executed the charge committed to Him
It is now incumbent upon all of us to surrender before
the majesty of this King whose glory was veiled in humble flesh, and
who has redeemed not only our souls, but even our bodies. We must
turn to Him and be saved. Many powerful people, though mightily used
by God, may entirely mistake the Lord Jesus Christ as too simple, too
poor, and too powerless to be seriously received as the King that He
is. But we have come to know the truth that Jesus is Lord.
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord God, You have
a Messiah King who is better than any emperor of old. Every other
great king pointed forward to this one King and Lord. This Redeemer
is the Son of God. He is also the Son of Man. He is the Potter. Has
He now become the clay for our sake? Your Son shall build up Your
city. He shall set the exiles free. Even now Christ has set us free.
Yet we wait for Him. We long for the fullness of salvation that is
ours in Him. We seek You and we find You. You have gathered us from
the nations. You declared this long ago, and have vindicated Your
holy Word. Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of Your holy Name.
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