Jeremiah 7
In the days of Jeremiah there were many people who were
devoted to the temple of the Lord. They were counting on that great
building as a badge of merit that distinguished them from the other
people groups of the nations around them. Surely Judah would be
blessed by the Almighty because of the temple. But this was not to
God said, “Amend your ways and your deeds.” The Lord
would not allow His people to continue to dwell in the Promised Land
when they abused the poor and the widow, shed innocent blood, and
worshiped false gods. He would not permit His temple to stand forever
as “a den of robbers.”
Jehovah called the attention of Jeremiah's hearers to
earlier days and to previous places of holy worship. He invited them
to look at what had become of Shiloh. Once it was a great center of
worship. Now it was nothing but a ruin and a memory.
The Lord invited everyone to examine the evidence of
their own rebellion. The people of Jerusalem were making cakes for
the so-called “queen of heaven.” They poured out drink offerings
to other gods. They were destroying themselves in their idolatry, and
God would surely bring His wrath upon their land.
According to the Old Testament sacrificial system, the
whole burnt-offering was to be completely consumed in the fire on the
altar of the Lord, but here God said, “Add your burnt offerings to
your sacrifices, and eat the flesh.” He was telling them to consume
this food themselves because He did not want their ceremonial gifts.
When idolaters, oppressors, and immoral men did their religious
rituals just right, the Lord was not pleased.
Jeremiah was told by God to speak all these words to His
people, yet God informed His prophet that they would not listen. They
were blinded by their idolatry. They had brought false objects of
worship into the temple itself, as if they were doing nothing wrong.
They had even burned their sons and daughters in a brutal system of
child sacrifice.
The desperate worship of paganism can never bring any
lasting help to anyone. The Word of God is our only rule for faith
and life. We must not abandon the Scriptures or the Son of God.
Jesus is the incarnate Word of the Father. He
demonstrated to us in person what the prophets spoke about through
their inspired speech. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He
is the temple of the Lord, and now we have become the temple of the
Holy Spirit as Jesus and His Word richly dwell within us.
One day the confusion and heartbreak of our fallen
condition will be behind us. Until then we look to Jesus, the Word
who gave His life for us, and we listen to the Scriptures that speak
to us from heaven. God is showing us what it means to follow Him and
granting us the power to hear and obey.
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord God Almighty,
there is much evil in the land. We imagine that we will be safe in
Your church because of our dedication to a sacrament or some show of
religious worship or act of dedication. Yet we go on doing all these
abominations that are against Your Law. You have spoken persistently,
but we have not listened. Father, we need the intercession of Your
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Please forgive us, O God, and hear the
perfect prayer of the One who atoned for our sins. Though we violate
Your commandments, we continue to cling to the hem of His holy
garment. What else can we do? We resolve to obey you, but we keep on
sinning. You know the truth about us. Our only hope is in Christ. We
will listen to Your Word, and we will be attentive to Your
discipline. What will you do to us when we forget our promises and
fall asleep when we should be hearing Your voice? Surely we deserve
to be food for the birds of the air, as our fathers were in the days
of the prophets. Yet You are a God who will keep Your covenant, and
You will magnify Your holy Name. Save us, O Lord.
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