Jeremiah 30
One of the greatest mysteries of the Old Testament
involved the reconciliation of the justice and the mercy of the
Almighty. God would certainly send forth the fury of His wrath upon
the wicked. How then could He forgive His people and restore their
fortunes, since they deserved His punishment? Jeremiah 30 ends with
this answer: “In the latter days you will understand this.”
Before the appearing of the Son of God and His death on
the cross, it was very difficult to comprehend what the solution to
this dilemma might be. But now we live in those “latter days,”
for the Son of God has come, and the Spirit of God has been poured
out upon the church. In the shining light of the substitutionary
atonement of Jesus Christ, we can honestly say that we do “understand
this,” and it is very good news.
God instructed Jeremiah to write down His divine message
for our benefit. In this book of prophecies, Jeremiah was to record
for posterity all that God had spoken to him. This included an
announcement of a great future time of blessed living for people that
were about to go off into captivity, people who would hear of the
destruction of their city and the defilement of everything that they
considered holy. Before the siege of Jerusalem had even taken place,
Jeremiah was recording the message of a bountiful restoration after a
limited time of divine discipline.
How bad would the trouble be for Judah? Men would be in
such pain of soul over the destruction all around them that they
would be compared with women in labor. It would be a day of great
When a woman is in labor, eventually the baby is
delivered. In due time the mother may forget the pain she experienced
because of the overwhelming pleasure of the gift of a new child.
Would there be any happiness for God’s people that could more than
compensate for their horrible losses?
Yes, a day would come when the yoke of foreign powers
over the Lord’s people would be broken. They would serve the Lord
God, and “David” their king. Imagine the satisfaction of being
gathered from the nations to which they were once scattered! When
Judah's time of correction was completed, God would eventually bring
the other nations to an end that He had used as agents of discipline
against Judah.
Are we supposed to assume that God’s kindness to His
people was on account of their moral superiority over their
oppressors? No, it was clear that God’s own people had a wound that
was incurable. Nonetheless the Lord would heal them.
This recovery would not be a meager restoration. Even
the return of the people from Babylon was not enough of a blessing to
be the complete fulfillment of all the great things that God promised
through Jeremiah. Yes, the temple would be rebuilt and even the
palace of the king would again be seen. More than that, Jerusalem
would be filled with celebration. There would be great fruitfulness
and growth. The people would be a congregation of worshipers. They
would have a ruler from their midst who would draw near to God. Best
of all, this communion with the Almighty would not only be for the
king, but for all His subjects, for the Lord promised that they would
be His people, and He would be their God.
Despite these wonderful pronouncements, the storm of
God’s wrath would go forth and burst upon the heads of the wicked.
The fierce anger of the Lord would not turn back until His righteous
anger was expressed. Knowing that we might be confused about this,
God reassured us that one day we would understand.
That day has now come. The Lord has provided a Lamb to
stand in our place. The perfect sacrifice was offered when Jesus took
the fullness of His Father’s wrath for us, so that we who are
recipients of His kind mercy could receive a joy so abundant that the
celebration would begin even now. God has healed what could not be
mended by mankind. He did this through the miracle of the gift of His
Son. Through Him and through Him alone, God is able to be both just
(punishing sin) and the Justifier of him who has faith in Jesus
Christ. (Romans 3:26) It is only through the cross of Christ that the
mystery of the Old Testament is solved. The day of understanding has
come for the people of God. Even now we are enabled to enter into the
joy of our Father’s heaven through hope in the sure promise of the
from A
Book of Prayers
O Lord, God of
Israel, when will You restore the fortunes of Your church? We live in
fear and distress, yet You will save us out of every trouble. If we
are far away, You will draw us back. If we are near in body, but far
away in spirit, You are able to bring us home. If we face the
strongest enemies, You will still restore us by Your compassion.
There is no enemy who can destroy us. We thank You for the Ruler of
the Church, for He is our strength. He will accomplish all the
intentions of His heart.
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