Ezekiel 28
God had a message against “the prince of Tyre.” In
the pride of his heart he imagined that he was divine. The leader of
this prosperous city meditated upon his own wisdom and wealth. He did
not view these as gifts from the Almighty but as perfectly good
reasons why others should worship him.
The Lord had a different plan. He was going to “bring
foreigners” to Tyre who would put the prince to death. The Lord
posed a pointed question to this arrogant leader: “Will you still
say, 'I am a god,' in the presence of those who kill you?” The
ruler over this prosperous trade center would “die the death of the
uncircumcised.” The simplest faithful Israelite with the Old
Testament sign of God's covenant on his body would be able to face
the end of his days on this earth with more peace than one of the
richest men among the Gentiles.
The Lord used the story of this one covetous man to talk
about a spiritual leader who would one day suffer an even bigger
humiliation. One particular fallen angel “on the holy mountain of
God” had once been “an anointed guardian cherub,” yet he sinned
against the Almighty. The Lord's verdict against that rebellious
spirit: “I cast you as a profane thing” from the courts of
How did such a worthy creature go so far from the
pathway of submissive obedience? “Your heart was proud because of
your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your
splendor.” Satan believed that something was being withheld from
him that he wanted very much. He longed to say with all the worst
tyrants of the world, “I am a god.” He would not be content to be
a “ministering spirit” to human beings. (Hebrews 1:14)
The devil will one day face his own eternal punishment
along with those despots who suppose that they should be enthroned
above Jesus (Revelation 19:20, 20:10). His destruction, together with
all the oppressive princes of the empires of the world, is necessary
for the new resurrection kingdom to be the realm of holy joy that
the Lord has promised to bring to His servants. Like the hostile
nations that surrounded the Promised Land back in the days of
Ezekiel, the Lord will “execute judgments” upon them all. What
about the household of faith? They will “dwell securely” in a
world without sin or death.
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord God, keep us
from self-destructive pride. We have wealth and intelligence. You
have given us many other good gifts. Yet are we so foolish as to
think that we are superior gods? Our lives are in Your hands. We were
created by You. You have cared for us throughout our years. You
brought us to faith in Your Son. You have rescued us out of many
dangers. You have watched over us and helped us in every trouble. You
have even selected trials for our good. Will we then act as if we are
somehow above You? Do we really want to contend with You? Surely Your
church must not be full of pride like some rich nation. Though Your
Son was equal with You in essence, He willingly humbled Himself
before You. Is it too much for us to be lowly? Please restore us
again to the sweetness of fellowship with You. Forgive our sins, and
grant to us a more righteous frame of mind.
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