Habakkuk 3
The prophet Habakkuk sought and received two
explanations from the Lord regarding the consequences of sin. Would
the Lord ignore evil among His covenant community? No, God would use
the Babylonians to punish His children. Would the Almighty allow a
pagan people to destroy His beloved nation and face no sanctions for
their brutality and idolatry? No, there would be a reckoning for
Jerusalem's foes, but the righteous would need to wait upon the Lord,
trusting that God would do what was right at the proper time.
When Jehovah revealed His will to Habakkuk, He also
granted vivid images of a future judgment. What was His servant's
response to these frightening visions? He authored a song to the Lord
in which he offered this humble petition: “In wrath remember
Habakkuk saw more clearly than ever the greatness of
God's being and works. The Lord's “splendor covered the heavens,
and the earth was full of His praise.” God would touch land, sea,
and sky in order to defeat His enemies and bring “salvation” to
all who called upon His Name. In these fearful deeds of divine
warfare, Yahweh would make a distinction between the “house of the
wicked” and the lives of His “anointed.”
Habakkuk had learned how to “quietly wait” for the
“day of trouble” to come upon those who hated the Jews. The
righteous would “rejoice in the Lord” as they lived by faith.
Even though the circumstances of life might be very dangerous and
unpleasant, Habakkuk would “take joy” in the Holy One of Israel
and in His glorious victory. The Lord would give His worshipers
strength as they lifted up their voices to Him. If honoring God made
sense in the days of the Old Testament, the church should surely
praise Him today since we know that the Son of God has secured our
eternal happiness through His own death and resurrection.
from A
Book of Prayers
Father God, we
humbly ask that You would remember mercy in Your wrath. We plead the
blood of Christ Your Son because You sent Him to be a Substitute for
sinners. Your justice already came upon Him centuries ago. There was
nothing missing in His atoning sacrifice. Surely our wickedness has
been utterly crushed through His death for Your people. We tremble at
the truth of Your holiness and Your costly love. The wicked who hate
You will not prosper without end. Though we seem empty now, we are
full of the joy of Your glory, and we will worship You in the
splendor of Your majesty forever.
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