Mark 8
“Seven loaves” and “a few small fish” fed “about
four thousand people.” This was now the second feeding miracle
reported in Mark, yet the Pharisees demanded “a sign from heaven to
test Him,” and even the disciples of Jesus worried about the fact
that “they had forgotten to bring bread” when the Master talked
to them about “the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of
Herod.” His response? “Do you not yet understand?” How would
God's elect ever apprehend what their senses perceived but their
minds refused to fully believe?
We read of an unusual healing at this exact moment in
Mark's account as Jesus gave a blind man vision in stages. After one
touch the man said, “I see men, but they look like trees walking.”
Jesus laid hands upon him again “and he saw everything clearly.”
What did it all mean? Why would the ruler of the universe ordain that
a needy man receive his eyesight in a way that was not instantaneous?
Even the most diligent worshipers of the Almighty need
help for their souls more than once. When Jesus asked Peter, “Who
do you say that I am?” Peter correctly replied, “You are the
Christ.” That was a good start, but within seconds the great leader
of early Christianity was rebuking his Savior for saying, “The Son
of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the
chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days
rise again.”
Peter needed more grace from above in the form of a
stern redirection from the Lord. Jesus said, “Get behind me,
Satan!” Why? “You are not setting your mind on the things of God,
but on the things of man.” The truth was plainly told to those who
would lead the founding generation of Christian martyrs. Not only
would Christ face extreme tribulation, but so would they, and so
shall we. The Lord's covenant community needs to grow in our
spiritual sight by God's provision of ongoing grace. We must never be
ashamed of Jesus and His saving message.
from A
Book of Prayers
Father God, have
compassion upon us. We have been with You, and we have followed You,
but we are hungry. We need daily sustenance for our bodies, and we
are often amply supplied, but who will fill our souls with Your Word
and enliven us with the Spirit if You do not bless us with these
great gifts every day? We know that You will give us bread from
heaven. May we have eyes to perceive what is good, and ears to hear,
believe, and obey. Help us to think more clearly even when we imagine
that we have perfect knowledge of all things. Heal us once more, that
we might see plainly the glories of Your Son. He is the Christ, who
suffered, died, and rose again. Keep us far from the snares of the
devil who would turn us from the cross. Grant that we would embrace
the truth and duty of this atoning sacrifice, for Christ has taken
away our sin and called us to a new way of love.
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