John 2
“On the first day of the week, at early dawn,” the
women who were witnesses of Jesus' death and burial came to His tomb.
“They did not find the body.” Instead they heard the report of
two angels testifying to the resurrection of the Messiah: “Why do
you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.”
That very day “Jesus Himself drew near” two men who
had traveled in the company of the disciples, “but their eyes were
kept from recognizing Him.” He questioned them about their
conversation, and they were shocked that He needed to ask about what
was apparently common knowledge in Jerusalem, namely the expectations
of the people “concerning Jesus of Nazareth,” and particularly
the facts surrounding His death. They said that they had “hoped
that He was the one to redeem Israel.” Even though they had
received the report of the women from that morning, they could not
comprehend the fact that He was alive again.
Their companion along the road spoke to them of the
necessity “that the Christ should suffer these things and enter
into His glory.” Jesus proved this from the Hebrew Bible. “He
interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning
Himself.” They were still unable to identify Him until He was “at
table” with them. Once their “eyes were opened and they
recognized Him,” He was suddenly gone.
Returning to the other disciples, they learned that
Jesus had appeared to Peter. Suddenly He “Himself stood among
them.” Before His ascension on high, “He opened their minds to
understand the Scriptures.” They would soon receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit and be sent out so that “repentance and forgiveness of
sins” could be “proclaimed in His Name to all nations.” What
was the response of the believers? “They worshiped” their Savior
who had been “carried up into heaven” before their very eyes.
from A
Book of Prayers
Sovereign Lord, the
stone, the guards, and the seal could not keep our Savior in the
grave. He is risen! Thank You for the faithful testimony that we have
regarding the facts that changed the world. What world-changing
events took place in Jerusalem in those days! Your Son was condemned
to death and crucified, but on the third day He rose again. In accord
with the ancient oracles of the Prophets, Christ suffered and entered
into glory. We see and confess what the Scriptures teach us about
Jesus. May our Redeemer be known to us by Word and sacrament. Grant
that we too will partake of the promised resurrection. Cast far away
from us any lingering doubts concerning the events recorded for our
faith. Everything written in the Bible shall be fulfilled. Our King
has ascended into heaven, and we are blessed with the gift of the
Holy Spirit poured out upon Your church. Strengthen us as we seek
Your face.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.” The great person that the apostle John
writes about was the eternal source of all that was made and the
fountainhead of God's merciful love to fallen humanity.
“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.”
This was not the same individual as the author of the gospel, but was
the one we normally refer to as “John the Baptist.” He announced
to first century Israel the imminent arrival of “the Lord.”
The “only God,” the Master of everything, “became
flesh” and lived among the chosen people of Yahweh. He became the
central focus of those who would put their trust in the power of the
Almighty to save them from their sins. How would sinners align with
their Redeemer? “To all who did receive Him, who believed in His
Name, He gave the right to become children of God.” They would have
spiritual renewal as those who were born “of God.”
Jesus' part in this historic work of salvation would be
utterly unique. As John the Baptist directed some of his own
followers, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the
world!” The Scriptures had prepared the Jews for the coming of a
Messiah who would die as a sacrificial offering that would cancel the
guilt of those who put their trust in Him.
Jesus is the stairway between heaven and earth that the
Jewish patriarch Jacob had seen in a dream centuries before (Genesis
28:12). We can spend our whole lives seeing Christ in the pages of
the Old Testament. Because of what our Friend from heaven has
accomplished for us, our destiny is secured as those who are rightly
counted as members of the household of Jehovah and who will see with
our own eyes the Man who is our heart's greatest desire.
from A
Book of Prayers
Eternal Father, You
and Your Son were in the beginning, together with the Holy Spirit. We
rejoice in You, the Triune God of Creation. We praise You for Your
Word, now recorded in the Scriptures. We receive and believe in the
Name of the One who is full of grace and truth, who became flesh and
dwelt among humanity for our salvation. Our Redeemer is now with You
in glory. We thank You for this great King. Announced by the
prophets, Jesus is our Savior and Lord. Teach us to follow the Lamb
of God who has taken away the sins of people near and far. He has
sent forth the divine Gift of the Spirit for the church. Grant to us
a holy regard for the Messiah. Cause Your beloved children to stand
on this Cornerstone of Your temple. He is good and kind, wise and
true, for He is the God at Your right hand. He has made the way to
heaven for us.
Jesus and His disciples went to a wedding in the town of
Cana in the region of Galilee and it became the occasion for the
first of seven public “signs” recorded by John in his gospel. At
the request of His mother, the Messiah took water in jars used for
ceremonial washing and turned it into wine without attracting any
public notice, though the servants at the feast and Jesus' friends
knew what had happened.
John writes that this miracle “manifested His glory.”
The wonder of who He was became visible through the works that He
did. What was the result of this amazing display of joyful power?
“His disciples believed in Him.” Not that they did not have faith
before, or that they wouldn't struggle with doubt in the midst of
later difficulties, but it was something that God used in their
growing trust that Jesus was sent from heaven as the Christ.
After this Jesus “went up to Jerusalem” in
connection with the Passover. When He entered the temple, He was
appalled to see that local peddlers had turned the sacred courts of
His Father into a “house of trade.” Observers questioned Him
regarding His actions of judgment. “What sign do you show us for
doing these things?” His answer pointed forward cryptically to His
own future resurrection from the dead. “Destroy this temple, and in
three days I will raise it up.” Adversaries would put His body to
death, but He would rise again as the beginning of a new world of
indestructible life.
While those all around our Lord could not fathom the
mystery of His message and mission, His followers eventually
“believed the Scripture and the Word that Jesus had spoken.” Not
only were they able to see the glory of God in Jesus' great deeds of
power, they loved His gospel of salvation and the words of the Bible.
Their hearts longed for the greatest future marriage feast and a more
permanent life in the presence of the Almighty that would be beyond
anything they could imagine.
from A
Book of Prayers
Merciful Lord, Your
Son is a great Husband for His bride. We will enjoy the perfect
wedding feast when He returns. The majestic day of His second coming
will arrive according to Your own wisdom and love. We will rejoice
with the fullest happiness, for we long for His appearing. We thank
You for the signs that Jesus gave of His glory. He will return with
justice as well as salvation. Grant that we would mourn for the
present distresses of Your church, but give us confidence that You
will make all things new. Christ has built an eternal dwelling for
Your glorious presence. He raised up His body in divine power and we
are now united to that beautiful Temple of the Holy Spirit.
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