Isaiah 42
It is one thing to be told that you are loved by a corporation, a social movement, or even by a kingdom. It is quite another to learn that a king knows you and loves you, and is prepared to suffer personally for your well-being. Do you consider your involvement in the community of faith to be a matter of somewhat impersonal belonging to a good organization? Perhaps you would object to the coldness of that concept, and would insist that you have many precious friends in the Christian church. That is, of course, a very wonderful thing, but it does not go far enough. You need to know that the King of the church became a suffering servant of God in order to save you.
In chapter 42 we are given a personal word about a servant, a word that is fulfilled in the gift of Christ, the King who knows you and loves you. This servant is the chosen one of God, full of the Holy Spirit. He has a heart for the very weakest, but He himself is powerful enough to bring about justice throughout the earth. This great Messiah has been given as the fulfillment of all of God’s promises, and He has become a light to the nations. He literally did open up the eyes of several people who were blind, but He has given spiritual sight to millions. We were stuck in the prison house of sin and guilt, and through His death the chains that were rightly on us have been broken. We are told here who this Messiah King is. He is the Lord of Israel, the very One who has revealed Himself to be the God of power and glory. This God who knows things from long ago, and who can bring about the future with His simple declaration, He will come to us and rescue us personally. Yet how can the One who is the Lord Himself also be the Servant of the Lord? Here we have the Father and the Son, and with the Spirit of God upon Him, we have the Trinity.
How great is the Lord! We should sing to Him a heartfelt song of praise. Even the people of far-off nations are called to sing to this great God, and declare His praise to other nations still further away until there are no more nations who have not yet heard the truth of the servant of the Lord who is the Lord Himself.
But will His coming be good for those who would still cling to worthless idols? What if a great King has committed Himself in love for you, even to the point of giving His life for you, and yet you continue to prefer a lifeless image to the King who saves in person? This would be a great insult, and would not be fitting for someone who has been loved so very well by the best and most powerful friend of the church. He will not be content to leave us in such foolishness. He will grant us new eyes to see His greatness and a new will to turn away from false suitors who cannot compare to Him.
This must not be the way for the church. The Lord speaks in His Word. We have no right to make His gracious instruction for us something less than it is. The King knows us. The King loves us. The King died for us. He is the Suffering Servant, and He lives, He reigns, He loves. Come to Him now and follow Him forever.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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