Ezekiel 24
Do we think that our faith is a sure way to bring to us the good life of this world during our days in this age? This certainly was not the way for the Lord’s prophets during the Old Testament. Perhaps the misery of men like Jeremiah and Ezekiel are for the old time of the Law? The lives of the Lord and His New Testament apostles seem to follow the same pattern of suffering leading to glory. Paul writes to the young minister Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:12 that “all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” Christ Himself tells us that the way of the cross is not optional for us.
The prophets were given great visions of things to come in a future age of glory, but they also announced the destruction of God’s holy city as Ezekiel does again in Chapter 24. The siege of
The day that this prophecy was given to the Jews in
The picture that displays the city of
Ezekiel has a matching trial of a personal nature when he is informed by God of the impending death us wife. This is one of the most difficult things that a person can face. When two people are married they become one in some way. They are further knit together in the trials that they share over their years together. Ezekiel is far from completing the troubles ahead of him. Now his companion in life will be taken from Him. That evening she died.
The prophet was not allowed by God to engage in the normal acts of mourning. Somehow this was a sign to them of their own strange reaction to the events that would take place in the holy city. One would think that they would have mourned deeply, but they would not. Their souls would be eaten away by their own iniquities and they would groan to one another. Why would this be? Would they not care about
What must it have been like so many years later when
But this was not the final message of the cross. After three days there was an empty tomb. There were resurrection appearances. The minds of disciples were being filled with the truth of Christ in the Word of the Scriptures. Soon their hearts would be empowered by the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, and they would be witnesses for Him to the ends of the earth.
Beloved wives still die, and brothers and sisters in the faith are persecuted and even killed by brutal men. The world is still the world. But our hope in the
posted by Pastor Magee @ 7:00 AM
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