
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Prayers based on Judges 4-5

Judges 4

O God, our base impulses would destroy us. Sometimes the deadly yield of lust comes almost immediately. On other occasions the disease lurks deep in our flesh and destroys us many years later. Either way, our sin is so dangerous to our spiritual and physical health. Teach us how to have a proper enjoyment of the good gifts that You have granted to us. Show us the way of love and submission between godly men and women. We see the pattern among the men of this world. They would abuse women and treat them as objects and not companions. They do not understand that their ways lead only to death. They are so easily fooled. They leave the path of safety and are soon captured by someone who comes softly to them. They lie down in their weakness and are overcome by the hand of death. Thank you for courageous women that You have granted to Your church, and teach the men of the church to lead in righteous ways, forsaking all evil and laziness.

Judges 5

Father God, may godly men be willing to take the lead within Your church for the glory of Your Name. We thank You for our one great leader, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our confidence is in Him. We are in the midst of a great spiritual battle. We need Your help. May we not be those who sit out the fight, or hide in a place that seems peaceful. You have granted to us Your Word, sacraments, and prayer as good weapons in this struggle. Gather us together in the use of these good gifts. Thank You for strong and courageous women who are willing to work with us in Your congregations. We do not struggle against flesh and blood. We pray for those who are being deceived by the Evil One, that many will be rescued from the One who comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. May Satan and His demonic host perish at just the right time, O Lord. May Your friends be like the sun that rises in its might. Bring forward the great day of resurrection life for Your church. Grant that Your Son will reign as King over His church forever and ever.


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