Daniel 12
The Book of Daniel is easily split into two sections. The first six chapters recount the story of six events that the Jewish exile Daniel and his companions faced during the time of their service under various rulers. The remaining six chapters contain apocalyptic visions. This brief summary of the book might give the wrong impression that there is little connection between these two sections. That is not the case. Both parts of the book have the same theme: the sovereignty of Almighty God as He moves His people through suffering toward the greatest ultimate victory. Also there are apocalyptic elements in the events in the first six chapters, and there are historical elements in the apocalyptic passages in the second part of the book. We have now come to the final chapter in this second section. It seems appropriate that it would deal with images of that ultimate victory that will come to us through the sovereign power of the Lord.
Along the way we have heard of one “Michael” who is a powerful spiritual being associated with the covenant people of God. We are told in this chapter that He has charge over Daniel’s people. Though Michael shall arise at some point called “that time,” this does not signal immediate painless success. Instead we are told to expect a great time of trouble beyond anyone’s frame of reference. God’s elect people whose names are in His book will be delivered from that trouble. Those whose bodies rest in the grave will be brought back to life. There will be a separation of some who are destined for everlasting life and others destined for everlasting contempt. Those who have served the Lord with wisdom and have turned many to the way of righteousness are particularly noted. All of this goes beyond the days of Antiochus IV or even the
Daniel is told to seal the book until the time of the end. There is something here that will not be revealed, at least at this time. Meanwhile Daniel hears an angelic conversation questioning how long it will be until these wonders take place. An answer is given, but the unit of measurement used is a “time” and the remaining words of description here do not resolve our comprehension difficulties. Though the answer is given in a very solemn way, indicating that the time is sure, there is no adequate explanation of what is being said. Even Daniel, who has been given great gifts by God of interpreting dreams and symbols, is unable to understand the timing and outcome of these things that have been spoken to him. When he asks for more information, he is told to go his way, since the further understanding of these words that he seeks will only become obvious when they are finally fulfilled. They are said to be sealed “until the time of the end.”
Until then, the people of God should do what we are always told to do. We are not cracking the code of a mystery novel. We are hearing the clear word of God and devoting ourselves to following our Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to purify ourselves, remove the blemishes of sin, and understand the will of the Lord to sanctify His whole church. This is what we can understand, and it is what we are supposed to do as God gives us grace. We do not know more than this. Even though we are told of a period of trouble amounting to 1,290 days between the end of the Old Testament sacrificial system and the final time of crisis at some future moment, and even though we read of some kind of vindication after 1,335 days, anyone who gives an authoritative interpretation of these numbers is surely only guessing.
We can know this. That we should go our way and do the things that the Lord has called us to do with the confidence that we shall rest after our earthly days are done, and that we shall stand again in our allotted place at the end of the days of this age. That is plenty to know. If we will listen to these words and follow them, we can serve the Lord in the midst of an age that is full of confusing and frustrating challenges, but which also contains many wonderful blessings.
Though we cannot understand what we are not supposed to understand right now, we are comforted by two things. First, Daniel was not allowed to understand it all either. Second, our God understands it all and controls it all. There is a time of rest coming for us after we die. When the Lord returns in glory, we shall stand again in the body, together with all the coming family of God in the age of resurrection.
Our proof for these claims goes beyond the words of the prophet Daniel. Our Redeemer has demonstrated this to us in person. After He made atonement for our sins on the cross, He rose from the dead as the sign of the resurrection to come. One day His resurrection presence will fill the glory clouds throughout the skies, and we too shall live in glorious bodies. There is a great land that has been allotted to us, and at the end of this age we shall stand in that place.
posted by Pastor Magee @ 6:00 AM
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