
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

James 1

The truth of Christ that we have found so delightful to our souls, when fully embraced, leads to a life of service and love. This law of freedom and love is something new and heavenly within us that must be lived out. The man who rejects this freedom is not merely turning away from suffering, he is turning away from true joy.

James, the author of this letter, was a leader in the church in Jerusalem. See Acts 15. He was also a son of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Christ appeared to him after His resurrection, and though he was not one of the eleven apostles, he was a very influential Christian in the early church. He introduces himself in this letter as a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has found a life of joy embracing God in the midst of trial.

When he addresses his epistle “to the twelve tribes in the Dispersion,” he is using Jewish terminology to refer to the whole New Testament church composed of Jews and Gentiles, just as Peter does when he calls the church a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” James is well aware that the church scattered throughout the world is suffering persecution, yet when he writes to people of faith about their struggles, he does not limit his teaching to those who are hated because of Christ. He speaks to those who face trials of various kinds. James does not say that trials will feel like joy to your flesh. If that were the case, then they would not be trials. He says that followers of Jesus Christ need to count their trials as joy, because they know that God is doing a very good work in their lives through these painful challenges that He has both permitted and ordained for them.

None of this requires that we say that the trials themselves are good, or we find ourselves in the absurd position of calling sin and disease good. They are not. God is good, and He has decreed that bad will be used for the purpose of a greater good. Trials test and prove the faith of believers, and God uses them to produce a deeper steadfastness in our lives that will serve us well in ways that we may not understand at the present.

We cannot understand all that is in the mind of God, but we can ask Him for the wisdom necessary for holy living. He will be pleased to give that good gift to the man who asks in faith. And God will not be looking for faults among His dear children, continually pointing to our errors. We should trust Him, and ask Him for things that He Himself has said are good, and He will give us these good gifts. Why wouldn't He? Yet when we look at the lives of faithful Christians, we may not be able to make sense the specifics of God's providence in their lives. We can still trust God.

There are certain behaviors that will hinder our prayers. If people ask us for help, and we say no without cause, what do we suppose God will do to us when we ask Him for help? But if you are happy to treat a lowly brother with dignity, why should God refuse to give you good things when you ask Him with the sincerity of faith?

You do not need God's help to show deference to rich people who can do you great favors. That comes naturally. But to love and serve the poor, that is both spiritual and wise. We should do it in the Name of Jesus. He will not forget that labor of love. If we embrace the heavenly-minded life, this will make more sense to us. Riches mess up many people. And powerful men can die in a moment just like anyone else. But heaven is forever.

You need to live for the crown of life that only God can give, because that is the only honor that will last beyond your death. Do you love God? Good enough. Think of Him as He is is. He is not trying to trip you up. He is not rooting for your humiliation or your death. These things happen, and God is sovereign, but you cannot understand the complexities of God's works. In the absence of perfect knowledge, it is not a good idea for you to think bad thoughts about God.

Are you stuck in sin, or continually facing temptation? Please do not blame God, just because you know that He is the Ruler over all. Much better to take responsibility for your own sin, come to Him, confess it all, and repent of it all. He is not impressed by your angry insistence that as the Almighty One He should not allow bad things to happen. Better to place your hand over your mouth sooner rather than later. We know about the book of Job, but you have one thing Job did not have. You have the book that bears his name, so you should not have to repeat his error of trying to justify yourself at the cost of accusing God of wrongdoing. Best to think of it this way: “I'm the problem. I am not as righteous as Job. I gave in to temptation. I can't blame God. I sinned. Sin leads to death. Help me, Lord!”

Never impute evil to God. He sent His Son from heaven as the greatest gift from the Father of Lights. He knows all about sin, and He has solved that worst of all problems at great cost to Himself. It would be rude to accuse Him of the problem that is ours and not His. He has made us responsible moral agents. Best to take responsibility when we sin.

We have the great blessing now of living by the heavenly gifts that Christ has won for us. We have the Word of truth. We can listen. No need to speak too much. And stay away from too much anger. Have you forgotten what God is like, and what He has done for you? Look for the needy and help them. Follow the way of true freedom, as a doer of the Word, and thank the Lord forever for all of His glorious gifts.


At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Joseph said...

amen brother. I blogged on this earlier today as well over at http://www.seriousthings.com

Sometimes we ask "Why?" in situations when they are hidden blessings. As a friend once said "Things of the Lord will hurt and offend until there is nothing left to hurt or offend."

Count it all joy in trials.. We're being refined like precious silver!

Thanks for sharing and spreading the Word beloved. Be blessed!



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