
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Friday, July 02, 2010

Revelation 5

In heaven, men and angels are giving glory to God in everything they do. John sees this and he hears of the holiness and worthiness of the Lord, which should be beyond dispute. And while we expect and know that everything in heaven is right and good, we are amazed to witness through John's eyes a drama that causes him to weep bitterly.

God, on His throne in the heights, allows John to witness a passionate drama that is central to the unfolding of the entire New Testament age. The Lord has a scroll that is perfectly sealed which must be opened if the events of this era are to move forward. This scroll is in God's hand, and if it is to be opened and the key events of providence and redemption are to proceed, a worthy man must be found, someone from the descendants of Adam and Eve who is able to take the scroll from the hand of God and to open its seals.

The tears in heaven come forth from John's eyes because of this fact: There is no one who is worthy. There is no one who is judged by God to be worthy enough to open the scroll; not Job, not Enoch, not Elijah, not Moses, no one.

Why is that a significant fact? At the end of the unfolding of that scroll is the culmination of all the decrees of Almighty God. The end which God has planned is very good, but we will not get there unless the events that rightly lead to it are first unveiled. If the history of mankind on earth cannot be opened up in heaven, then the end will not come.

But no one could be found who was worthy for this monumental task. This is why John began to weep loudly. His reaction is especially surprising since he has been preaching the perfections of Christ for these many years. He knows that Jesus is perfect. He knows the solution to the heavenly dilemma. Yet he is caught up in the drama and passion of heaven, the love there for what is right, and the deep sadness of the deadly unworthiness of mankind. It is a fact that in all the millions of image-bearers that have come from the union of Adam and Eve and their descendants, there had not been one person who had the righteousness, wisdom, power, and love necessary to take the scroll from the hand of God and to open what had to be opened.

But now one of the elders, one of the twenty-four, comes to John with words that announce something that the apostle already knew: “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

Jesus is descended from Judah, the son of Jacob. The tribe of Judah is the tribe of kings, and Jesus of Nazareth, the descendant of King David, is the true King of the Jews. He is not only the expected eternal King promised from the line of David; He is also the Root of David, for He is the Son of God.

He is the one right Man, but He is also the Victor in the greatest struggle of human history. He has conquered the devil. As the promised Seed of the first woman, Eve, Jesus has now crushed the head of the serpent. He has defeated evil, misery, sin, and death, and has won the kingdom of heaven for all those who look to Him for their salvation. He is the only Redeemer of God's elect.

While he is the conquering Lion, He is also the King of Peace, and the Lamb of God, who was slain in order to take the debt of a great host of people who had violated the commandments of God. The worthy Lamb has given His life for those who were very unworthy. But now one Lamb has accomplished everything necessary to be our Good Shepherd, and we are His sheep.

He was slain, but He has the power of an indestructible life. He truly died, but now He lives forever. This Jesus has ascended to where He was before in the heavens, and He who has conquered, can now open the sealed scroll that will bring about the rest of the heavenly visions that John will see.

Our ascended Lord has all power and authority. He has the perfect might of seven horns, and the full knowledge and awareness of seven eyes. He is full of the Holy Spirit which He has sent forth into all the earth to grant faith and life to the Lord's chosen people.

When He takes the scroll, the life of the New Testament church and the future of the world are set in motion according to God's sovereign will. All of heaven worships Him just as they worship the Ancient of Days. They fall down before Him and offer up through Him the prayers of His suffering people on earth.

The worshipers in heaven are aware of the tribulation on earth, but they are able to see the current struggle through the eyes of perfected faith. Therefore they sing of the worthiness of the Lamb, and the glory of the cross, through which the people of God were ransomed from all over the world. They see the struggle but they know the end of every life of faith. God has made His people into His Kingdom. They are His priests. They shall reign on the earth.

Everyone in heaven, millions and millions of men and angels are singing about the worthiness of Jesus Christ. They know that He will receive blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever, together with the Father and the Spirit. They add their own “Amen!” to what they are certain is right. We are happy to lisp our agreement here below, and we are thankful for this Word of the victory of Jesus, who is our door to a world of eternal life.


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