Ecclesiastes 12
My parents tried to talk to my wife and me about saving
for the future when we were in our twenties. We decided that we did
not have any money to put away at that time. Our second child had
just been born, and the idea of a pension was not of even remote
interest to us. To be young! To think that death is so far away! The
wise young man or woman will give some serious consideration to the
future. No matter how old you are, take a look around you and embrace
the truth that death can come in a moment, and that if you live long
enough to experience growing old, you will face significant changes
that you would be very wise to plan for when you are young.
The Preacher offers these important words in this final
chapter of Ecclesiastes: “Remember also your Creator in the days of
your youth.” Long life is a blessing, but it does have challenges.
Decades pass by more quickly than expected, though individual days
may seem to last too long. The burden of a long life upon your body
and your mind may cause you to decide that there is little left for
you when you reach old age. Even so, you still may not be ready to
finish your life and to go to be with the Lord.
Many generalizations that could be offered about the
aging process would be difficult to prove, but some things can be
said with confidence. Your present body is mortal and you will begin
to feel that mortality as you age. While some of the details may
vary, here is what you can expect. Your eyes will not work as well as
they once did, your hands will not be as steady, and even your mind
may show signs of age that will not be entirely positive. You will
probably lose some teeth, you will have problems with your hearing,
you won't stand up straight, and more than all of that, you may be
strangely impatient and even more intolerant than you were as a young
man, since disappointments and anxieties will take their awful toll.
Therefore, use your youth well. Your body generally has
its highest capacities when you are in your late teens, twenties, and
early thirties. The challenge of those important years of vitality
may be that the very sufferings that can leave the plaque of regret
on the heart of an old man are useful in building the character of a
young man. By the time that you have had the foolishness of youth
beaten out of you, you are starting to move past your prime. Blessed
is the man who, through suffering and a consideration of God and the
world in his years of young adulthood, is able to gain some wisdom
while he still enjoys a good measure of bodily health.
Remember your Creator in your youth! Develop the habit
of humility as a young man. Bow before God and it will serve you well
throughout your life. Live wisely in your most productive years and
then finish well in your declining years. One day, you don't know
when, maybe before your hair has a chance to turn white, you will go
to your eternal home. Your silver cord will snap, your golden bowl
will break, your pitcher will shatter, releasing its precious
contents. The wheel of your life will no longer turn, broken beyond
repair, your body will be buried in the ground, returning to dust,
and your spirit will go to be with God who gave you life.
The Preacher knows what he is talking about. He had
wisdom in his day. Now he is with God. He wrote wonderful proverbs
and arranged them with great care. He composed words of delight into
a love poem, and he authored this important book of obvious and
challenging truth. He accomplished amazing things and he surely made
many mistakes. If he was willing to take his own advice, he
remembered his Creator, the one Shepherd of our souls, who can lead
us in the way of the wisdom that comes from heaven.
There are many words in this fleeting world, but not all
of them are equally beneficial. Hear the conclusion of this
consideration of life under the sun. Do you want to live wisely? Then
fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of
man. Why? Because God will bring every deed into judgment, including
every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Do you have a life that is so pure that the Lord could
examine your every hidden thought, word, and action, and conclude
that you live with perfect wisdom? No? That is why the Wisdom of God
came from heaven. Jesus did this for you, accomplishing His greatest
work through His death for your sins. His resurrection is your
assurance that His death was successful. When you remember your
Creator in your youth or even on the day of your own death, don't
forget that your Creator became your Redeemer. You will go to be with
Him when He calls you to Himself. Do not throw your life away. Live
it wisely despite your weakness. God is in charge. The work of Christ
is perfect, and it will last forever. Enjoy the gifts that are your
portion even today, and remember that your Redeemer lives beyond the
sun in a world that is without futility and foolishness.
from A
Book of Prayers
Sovereign Lord, if
only we could convince young men and women to be wise! There is a
process or an event coming to all men of trouble and decay until the
day that Your Son returns. The body is proceeding to the grave. There
comes an injury that finally breaks the link between the body and the
soul. Yet from generation to generation Your Word lives on. There is
One Shepherd. He speaks. We hear You, O God. We fear You, O Lord. You
are different from us. You are the Judge, and You are the Answer. It
is profound wisdom to remember You and to live for You. Grant us that
wisdom now and forever.
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