
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Isaiah 46

Peace was never only a personal state of mind. It had a communal dimension. Nations looked to their gods to preserve good order in their lands. But could those divinities actually deliver people from danger and bring them prosperity? According to Isaiah, the day would surely come when it would be perfectly evident that the Babylonian gods were not doing their jobs. They were weights upon the necks of the people—burdens that did not solve any problems but only made things worse.
The true God of heaven and earth was the only answer for any people group. If what they needed was cradle to the grave care, there was simply no other god who would do. Everyone else was an impostor.
Jehovah took care of His chosen ones in Israel from birth to old age. He alone could carry them and save them. How sad when the Lord's own chosen flock decided that the artistically crafted idols of other nations were the answer for them. Lifeless idols could not speak or move. They had to be carried about on the shoulders of those that they were supposedly protecting.
Israel needed to cultivate the good habit of regular meditation upon the wisdom and power of the Almighty. How did they know about these attributes of God? He had revealed them in His written Word. There was no other god like Him.
Consider the events of redemption in the history of the Jews that culminated in the cross and the resurrection of the Savior of the world. From Adam to Jesus and all the way down to our own lives, so much has been perfectly accomplished! God brought His righteousness so near to us, but He also brought our sin so near to His beloved Son. Now the people of God have become a glorious inheritance for Jesus. One day we will be without spot or blemish. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will flawlessly accomplish the fullness of our salvation. Our King will bring us peace. No other god could do this.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Father, now that You have revealed Yourself to us so fully in Your Son, will we turn to the foolish idols of the nations? Surely when Christ has been preached to all the nations, if Your people would turn back to some false messiah it would be an abomination. We trust You. Your plan is perfect. Your righteousness has come near to us in Christ. We shall not be moved.


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