Ezekiel 31
God used Ezekiel to expose the pride of rulers who had
become dangerously impressed with their own achievements. One of
these great kings was Pharaoh, the supreme leader of the Egyptian
empire. While Ezekiel 31 is directly addressed to Pharaoh and the
Egyptians, most of the chapter described the Assyrians who had
already been defeated by the Babylonians. Perhaps Pharaoh might learn
something from another arrogant tyrant whose imperial reign had
abruptly come to an end.
The Lord made the comparison between the head of Egypt
and the once supreme Assyrian powers. “Whom are you like in your
greatness?” God described Assyria as a grand “cedar in Lebanon.”
Because of its “towering shade,” much life had come to other
“trees” and “birds,” meaning other weaker people groups, that
could never have survived without the favor of the Assyrians who had
until recently been the highest of “all the trees of the field.”
God said that the grandeur of the Assyrian “cedar”
had even been above the trees in Eden, the ancient “garden of God.”
Yet the king of the Assyrians had forgotten that the Almighty was the
source of all the gifts that he enjoyed. God said, “I made” the
tree of the Assyrian empire “beautiful in the mass of its
branches.” But what had been the result of the nation's rapid
ascent? “Its heart was proud of its height.” Therefore the Lord
determined to humble the Assyrian kingdom. “I will give it into the
hand of a mighty one of the nations.” Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
would be God's instrument to bring low those who were glorying in
their own prosperity.
What was the point of the Lord's extended parable about
the final days of Assyria? God intended now to humble Egypt in the
same way. Though He had described the recent history of the
Assyrians, He concluded His message with these words: “This is
Pharaoh and all his multitude.”
What benefit can come to the church today from
considering the destruction of two ancient rulers who placed their
confidence in their own superiority? Whether we are easily ignored by
others or very influential in this passing world, it is our privilege
to daily repent of our sins and to believe in Jesus. He alone is the
God's fruitful tree planted by the heavenly waterside. His kingdom,
though it had such a humble beginning, will provide an eternal place
of secure deliverance for all who trust in Him. His resurrection
world began like “the smallest of all seeds,” but when it is
fully grown it will be “larger than all the garden plants.” It
will be an everlasting tree where the “birds of the air” will
come and “make nests in its branches.” (Matthew 13:32)
from A
Book of Prayers
Our Father, there
is an adversary who is spiritual and powerful. As we consider the
impressive kings of evil empires from days gone by, we know that even
the most powerful man returns to dust. Like a towering tree of the
field, though he seems to rule forever, the day of his death will
come. More frightening still is the angelic enemy, seeking whom he
may devour. Yet we are told that if we resist him, he will flee. How
could we have that kind of power except by Your decree? One day the
worst of our foes will be cast into a place of punishment forever. We
flee to You again for safety. We remember Your Son, His cross, and
His resurrection.
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