Zephaniah 1
God spoke through Zephaniah to give an oracle of
worldwide judgment that has yet to be fulfilled. The Lord has not
been slow in keeping His promises, but has been accomplishing His
will in the years that have passed since those days. He said, “I
will utterly sweep away everything from the face of the earth,” and
He surely will do just that.
Before the Old Covenant era was over, Jerusalem would be
destroyed by the Babylonians. Zephaniah pointed to the faithlessness
of religious leaders who worshiped not only Yahweh but also “Milcom,”
an Ammonite deity. Others kept the form of sacred tradition, but they
did not really believe in the sovereign power of the I-AM. They said,
“The Lord will not do good, nor will He do ill.” These rulers and
the nation at large had become worldly, taking on “foreign” ways
of life and ignoring the commandments of God.
Destruction would soon come upon the Jews, but in the
distant future a final calamity will overwhelm the entire globe with
“distress and anguish.” Before that frightening cataclysm, all
the people groups of the earth will hear the gospel of hope in
Christ. Nonetheless, many human beings will lose everything in the
wrath of God. They will remain in their sin “against the Lord”
because of their continued unbelief and idolatry.
The loss of our current global society will be “full
and sudden.” We have been warned by Christ and His apostles that
Jesus will arrive like “a thief in the night” (Matthew 24:43 and
1 Thessalonians 5:2). Until the final trumpet sounds, we have been
told to remain at our posts, waiting, watching, and working in the
service of the King of kings. His victory over death for sinners was
certainly the complete answer for our right standing with God. At the
Lord's predestined time we will see Jesus coming on clouds of glory,
and every knee in heaven and on earth shall bow before Him.
(Philippians 2:10-11)
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord of Hosts, a
great Day of Destruction is coming against the world. You have warned
us that judgment begins with Your household, and that You will purify
Your church. How will we stand when You bring distress upon mankind?
Forgive us, for we have violated Your commandments. Will we be safe
if we worship You and also bow down before false gods? Our money will
not deliver us from Your hand. Your Son is our only hope. Please have
mercy upon us.
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