Mark 11
Despite the fact that Jesus would soon die at the hands
of Roman soldiers, there can be no doubt that He was in charge of all
that was taking place. When the crowd shouted “Hosanna!” which
means “Save!” they could not understand what the Savior Himself
knew: He was fulfilling the prophecy contained in Psalm 118:27. He
would be the “sacrifice” for His people on the “altar” of
Meanwhile, the Redeemer who was rejected by the
religious leaders of the Jews was performing signs of judgment
against God's covenant community. The “fig tree” of Israel would
be “cursed” because it had no “fruit.” Jesus also “overturned
the tables” of those doing business in the temple courts because
they had made God's “house of prayer” into a “den of robbers.”
The disciples were amazed to see their Master so
confidently announcing judgment and executing signs that showed
divine displeasure, but the religious rulers were not amused. They
questioned Him with obvious impudence. They asked “by what
authority” He was “doing these things.” He did not yield to
them for a moment, but instead asked them about the baptism of John.
Was it “from heaven or from man?” They were unwilling to answer
since either a positive or a negative answer would have exposed their
own unrighteousness before the people.
Though “the chief priests and the scribes and the
elders” hated Jesus, they were unable to overcome the complete
authority that He had to save His church. History has largely
forgotten the men who once seemed in charge of Jerusalem, but the
Messiah who died on a cross “always lives to make intercession”
for those who “draw near to God through Him” (Hebrews 7:25). He
calls us to “prayer,” insisting that we ask with the confidence
of faith and that we “forgive” all who have done anything against
from A
Book of Prayers
Lord Jesus, You
came into Jerusalem as a humble and peaceful King. Help us to see You
rightly. You are in charge of every detail of history, and have all
power and authority, yet You were willing to be low that we might be
saved. Will Your church be without any gospel fruit today? May it
never be, O Lord. Purify Your temple and grant us a life of
intercession as those who know that all good things come from You. We
ask You in prayer for that which we believe to be agreeable to Your
will. We trust that we have received these gifts even now, and that
all that we obediently request is certainly ours in Your Son, for You
have told us to pray with faith. We gladly forgive others, lest our
entreaties be hindered. Have mercy on us!
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