
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Prayers based on Judges 6-7

Judges 6

Sovereign Lord, what will You do when we pursue evil ways in Your sight? Surely You love us enough to challenge us in our errors. You may even send an enemy against us to teach us lessons that cannot be learned in times of peace and prosperity. Teach us to call out to You for a Savior. We are too fearful of men in times of difficulty. Make Your church a mighty congregation of valor. Grant us eyes to see the signs of Your presence all around us. Help us see the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with new eyes day by day. You are with us. Your Son is still alive. Grant us a new awareness of the peace that He has won for us. We have peace with You, and peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but we do not have peace with idolatry. Make us strong for the tearing down of idolatrous altars within our hearts and lives. Clothe us with Your Spirit that we might find new courage that can only come from You. Purify our consciences from past sin, and grant us daily repentance and faith as a sign of Your abiding love.

Judges 7

Lord God Almighty, You are very capable of helping us through every challenge. You can win a great victory with even fewer men than Gideon’s small army of 300. Have You not won the greatest battle through the weakness of One Man? Did not the Son of David slay a legion of Goliaths through His death on the cross? You are the one who grants true spiritual courage to Your church. You have shown many things to us of Your greatness and faithfulness. Open our eyes and ears to the fact of Your greatness and love. We worship You with confidence in Your promises. Come quickly great Lord of Hosts. Win the battle against fear and disappointment that rages within our souls. If we will resist the devil, He will flee from us. Why are we slow to do this? Build up Your church even in our day. Help us to be faithful to Your call in every situation of trouble that we face. You are surely with us.


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