Prayer based on Exodus 22
Heavenly Father, Your sheep hear Your Son’s voice, and they know Him and follow Him. Thank You for rescuing us, for we were wandering from You in spiritual stupidity. You have sent ministers of the Word to call us back. Those who are themselves sheep of the only true Shepherd have become under-shepherds of our glorious King. We respect the gift of such servants. You are the owner of all things, and You will make all things right in a world full of evil and disappointment. We have been betrothed to Your Son, and our hope in Him is strong and sure. We shall not be left without a future, and even now we possess a present comfort. When we cry out to You, You hear us and You help us. We can trust You with our families and with all of our possessions. You are God, and Your Son loves us with an everlasting love.
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