
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 11

Father God, You rescued Your children out of Egypt. You have been patient with us, though we have often rebelled against You. Thank You for Your gift of Your only-begotten Son. He too was called out of Egypt as a very young child, but He never disobeyed Your commandments. He walked with You in perfect faithfulness. In Him, we have been granted the benefits of covenant love.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 10

God of Grace, You have brought us through many challenging times. We have faced trials from enemies, and great troubles from our own false words and filthy actions. We repent, O Lord God. We do not want to go back to the place of our ugly sin. We want to move forward toward the land of Your great promises. You have spared us from the punishment that we deserved. We have plowed iniquity, and would have reaped only sorrow. Yet Your Son has taken upon Himself the trouble that we deserved. He was cut off from the land of the living for us and by His life and death we are fully restored. We thank You for Your abundant mercy. We receive this Word of reconciliation with joy because of our risen Messiah.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 9

Lord God, we rejoice in You, and we hate our sin. Why should we return to the way of evil? There was nothing good there for us. That way is a place for those who seek to be defiled. That way is the way of slavery. There is only one road for us. We have one great Prophet, and He leads us in the path of righteousness. We were found by You when we were dead in our trespasses and sins. We do not want to return to our days of sin and disaster again. Please protect us from dangerous choices and unhealthy inclinations. Our wickedness would only lead us into fruitless patterns of death. Please do not reject us. Bring us near to You day by day, and never let us go.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 8

God of Glory, we have a sure hope in Christ. Though we have often spurned Your good gifts, He has not rejected us. Though we have foolishly turned our hearts to the making of idols, He has taught us the difference between a true Savior and objects that are not gods. We should live in Him always. We should listen to Him fully. The way of the world will not solve our problems. If we follow that path we will only multiply our troubles. You are the only answer for Your people. Please forgive us.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 7

Great Savior, what will we do if You remember our evil forever? Surely You have accomplished our redemption through the work of Your Son Jesus. Everything about Him is holy and good. He never wandered from You. He never looked to the world for His hope. He never rebelled against You, or spoke lies to You. He has received Your Word with the fullness of joy and with happy obedience. Your Son’s perfect righteousness has been credited to our account. What a gift to the ungodly!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 6

Father, teach us the difference between mere words and true repentance. We want to return to You and know You. Meet us now with the Bread from heaven. He is our sure and holy Redeemer. Our love to You has been temporary and conditional, and so we have transgressed Your Law. Teach us the way of steadfast love and patient endurance. Show us how to turn away from all sin, and restore the fortunes of Your people.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 5

Glorious God, there is a day of wrath coming, and a day of division in the church. There will be a separation of the sheep and the goats. Our pride will do us no good. In that day we may seem to seek the Lord, but many will not be found by You. Are we all lost? How can we stand Your wrath? We have been determined in our pursuit of filth. Our real hope is not in the power of men and governments. Our hope is in You, and our deliverance comes through Christ alone.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 4

Lord Almighty, what will You do with Your church when we go the way of the murderous and faithless? Surely You will not allow us to stand in Your presence when we give ourselves to continual foolishness and sin. We were to be a glorious and royal priesthood. How can we be loved by You when we treat a piece of wood as an object of worship? How can we live if we are full of immorality? Oh the burden of our sin! Surely there is a better end for us. We will not be stubborn forever. Surely there is a remnant that will be ashamed of their sin, and will be kept according to Your abundant mercy.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 3

Our Father, You have given us new hope in Christ. Your faithfulness is great. You found us on the rubbish heap of the rebellious and You redeemed us with an extravagant love. We must never turn away from You. We will seek the glory of Your Son forever.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 2

Lord God, there is hope now for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We should put away our foolish sinning, for we have been redeemed by Your Son. When we look back upon our lives of sin, we hate our rebellion against You. You continued to provide for us day by day, and yet we used Your good gifts for more and more sinning. Our false lovers were no good for us at all. How could we have ever thought that idols would be the answer for us? Turn us back home again moment by moment. Keep us far away from the love of sinning. Open up our hearts to a great door of hope in Christ the Lord continually. Make us lie down in safety again. We receive Your steadfast love for us with amazement. Our glorious God, Your grace is great, and Your mercy is very powerful.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Prayer based on Hosea 1

Father God, Your Son is far above all other husbands. You have had such mercy upon us. We sinned against You with our horrible immorality and idolatry. What hope would we have if You determined to have no more mercy upon us? Thank You for taking us as Your people. We were once far off, but now we are called the children of the living God in our association with Christ our King.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joel 3

Monday, August 18, 2008

Joel 2

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer based on Philippians 3

Lord God, we rejoice in You. Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit. We have no confidence in our own flesh. We have no boast in our own obedience. Our gain is not in these things, but in Christ, our Lord! Our righteousness is through faith in Christ. We long to know Him more and more, and we long for the resurrection from the dead. We belong to You, O God. Move us forward toward the goal of the glory that is before us. Help us to hold to the truth that we profess. The danger of sin is everywhere around us, and even within us. Keep us living in the resurrection way by the power of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Prayer based on Jeremiah 13

Lord of History and Redemption, You have sent forth Your prophets to show clearly the uselessness of a worldly church. We have become a spoiled piece of despised clothing, for You will destroy the pride of Your people. We should cling to You, but we have not listened. Fill us with Your Spirit, and take away our foolish drunkenness. Make us to be men, O God, holy saints who are dedicated to You. Take away our stumbling. Free Your flock from the captivity of sin. Remove those who lead us toward the devil and are hardened in their rebellion. Do not cast us all away, like chaff in the desert. You have seen our unmentionable sins, but Your Son has become a sin offering for us. He took our wretchedness upon Himself for the glory of Your name, to the praise of Your wonderful mercy.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Joel 1

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hosea 14

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hosea 13

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hosea 12

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hosea 11

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Prayer based on Exodus 24

Great Lord and King, we worship You. We draw near to You through Jesus, Your Son. All that He has commanded we will do. We remember Your deliverance of Your people of old from the hand of the Egyptians, and we remember the blood of Christ, through which we have been delivered from sin and death. We long to see You as You are. We desire to be with You, for You have promised that we will have sweet fellowship with You, eating together at Your heavenly table. We glorify Your Name even now as we wait for our full redemption.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Prayer based on Jeremiah 12

Righteous God, the way of the wicked seems to prosper all around us. Stop their progress in sin and rebellion, lest we die. Even within Your church, though men speak friendly words, there is danger everywhere. Have You rejected Your heritage forever? Many shepherds have brought great harm upon Your people. Destroyers have come from within and without. Surely we deserve Your fierce anger. Purify Your Kingdom in mercy, O Lord. We commit ourselves to You again. Do not forsake us forever, O God.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Hosea 10

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Hosea 9

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hosea 8

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Hosea 7

Monday, August 04, 2008

Hosea 6