
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ezekiel 14

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ezekiel 13

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ezekiel 12

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Prayers based on the Songs of Ascent

Psalm 120

Lord God, please help us in our distress. There is much trouble all around us. It is a great challenge to live in this world. Our confidence is in Christ. For His sake You will hear us and help us.

Psalm 121

Father God, our help comes from You. You have created us, and You keep us through all kinds of difficulties. You will help us as we move along in our journey to the heavenly Jerusalem. You will keep us forever.

Psalm 122

Sovereign Lord, we long for Your presence. We thank You for the blessing of worship in Your temple even now. Your Son is full of the Holy Spirit. In Him there is full peace. We are united to Him, and are called the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 123

O God, we look to You. We need You day by day. There is no other place that we can go to for the mercy that we need. We need relief, O Lord. A proud foe is hard against us. We resist the devil and look to You for deliverance.

Psalm 124

Our Father, You have been our help. We are very thankful. Without You we surely would have fallen and been destroyed. You have helped us, Creator God. We will glorify Your Name forever.

Psalm 125

Lord God, we do trust in You. Make us to stand firm in Jesus Christ. Surround us and protect us. Cause us to live in obedience in the strength that comes from Your grace. By Your mercy bring Your church peace forever.

Psalm 126

Great God, You have given us laughter and joy in the day of Your deliverance. You have done great things for us. Now we have tears, but we will come home to You with shouts of joy. Our labor in Your Name is not in vain.

Psalm 127

Father God, You build the house. You watch over us. You guard us. We can sleep at night because of You. You will bring the next generation of faithful people forward. Surely Your Son Jesus Christ has a multitude of children who will glorify You forever.

Psalm 128

Our God, we will walk in Your ways. The day is coming when all things will be right. You have granted us a glorious family in Zion. You will bring perfect peace upon Your church, and we will dwell securely with You forever.

Psalm 129

Merciful God, Your people have faced much persecution for many generations. Surely those who hate You and who kill Your loved ones will face Your wrath. Our only hope is in Your Name. In Christ we have great blessing forever.

Psalm 130

Lord God, we cry to You again today. You have forgiven our many sins. Because of the mercies of Christ, we now wait for Him with hope. Your Son is our plentiful redemption. A day of the fullest joy is surely near.

Psalm 131

Our Father, we rest in You. Like a child we rest in the security of Your embrace. We rest in You and trust in You even now. Your people will not be put to shame, for Your love will endure forever and ever.

Psalm 132

God in Heaven, be with Your people who trust in the greatest Son of David. We are Your priests forever. We are counted as Your holy ones in Him. A Messiah has come for us, and He reigns. His crown will shine forever. We will rest in Zion according to Your promise.

Psalm 133

Great Lord, it is a joy to be together with our brothers as we serve You in peace. This is Your church. You have given us the oil of gladness. Our security in Christ will never be taken away.

Psalm 134

Great God, we have come to our destination. We look to You with the fullest happiness. Your Son’s hands are lifted up in blessing upon us even now. We are receiving a divine blessing from the heavenly Jerusalem. What a wonderful blessing!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Prayer based on 1 Chronicles 1

1 Chronicles 1

Great God of Creation, we have been made in Your image. From one man, our father Adam, have come all men. Each nation is known by You, where they have come from, and where they are going. Some have been mighty in their own eyes, and in the opinion of their neighbors. Even the strongest have faced trouble and death. You have granted to us the great gift of faith. Abraham, chosen by You, and sent out by You, is also a father to us, a father in this most precious gift of faith. Help us to walk in the power of faith today. Our days and our people come and go, but You are eternal. Through faith in our Messiah Jesus Christ we have everlasting life. This world will pass away, and so many of the names and nations of this world will perish, but You will remain forever and ever. Our life is in You.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Prayers based on 2 Kings 23-25

2 Kings 23

Lord God, we need You. We have been made sick by our sin. We want to walk in Your ways again. Cleanse Your temple. Remove those leaders who will not turn away from idolatry and wickedness. Bring a powerful repentance to many. Do Your work in the midst of this evil age and show us hope for a new life. We need the courage of Your Son among us again. Send forth Your messengers to call Your people to worship again in truth. Is there some horrible unseen adversary who is against us? Surely You know what You are doing, even governing all things for Your glory. Teach us to turn to You in a fuller imitation of Your Son. Do not utterly abandon us, O God. Give us hope for the future, even on the day when the most godly leaders are suddenly destroyed. Have mercy on us, O God. We know that we should trust You today. We will obey You, even though many give themselves over to sin.

2 Kings 24

God in heaven, what can we do when good gifts are taken away from us? The godly way of a father may only be a memory. Sons and grandsons have lost all sense of Your truth. They are taken captive by enemies that are too strong for them. How will we find hope again? Surely You will send Your Son for us. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

2 Kings 25

Father, we love You and cling to You. We have no one left but You. All our pride and joy have been taken away. Yet through it all, You are God. We will trust You. You have the words of life. The cross is still the only atoning sacrifice for sin. The resurrection is still our only hope. Our words flee from us. What can we say in the depths of our grief? Where is Your glory, O God. Will we provoke You to wrath even now? How can there be more wrath when our sins have been atoned for? Surely our hope in Christ is still secure, and we will eat at Your table forever.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Prayers based on 2 Kings 21-22

2 Kings 21

O God, how can it be that a child will not follow in the way of a godly father and mother? Does one generation tear down the idols of wickedness, only for the next generation to build up the same abominations again? How can those who are called by Your Name be so foolish and hard-hearted? O Lord, bring us the blessings of the new age even today. Innocent blood is shed all around us in every age, but some times are worse than others. Grant us relief. How many years of sadness can we survive? You will surely hear us and help us. We long for the day of victory when all of our disappointments and sins will be utterly swept away.

2 Kings 22

We thank You, O Lord, for a surprisingly wonderful day of relief. We thank You for righteous children that come from homes that were committed to idolatry and sin. Grant that Your church will rediscover Your Word even in our day. Grant that we will be grieved concerning our rebellion against You. Help us to have a godly response to the troubles that we face. Have mercy on us. You know that Your church has so often forsaken You. If You were not true to Your great promises, we surely would have been destroyed long ago.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prayer based on 1 Samuel 1 - In memory of Samuel Stephen Magee - April 23, 1985-August 4, 2007

1 Samuel 1

Lord God, You have granted to us many blessings. Though we grieve for what we cannot have, surely You hear the cries of Your loved ones. We know of nothing that can be given to us that would take away our pain, but You are God, and You will help Your people. We give our lives to You. Our children are surely gifts from You. Though love for others opens the door to loss and sorrow, You will help us when we are troubled in spirit. There is an assurance of Your love that can only come from You. Even when we cannot feel any joy, surely one day we will laugh, for You will give to us our heart’s desire. In Your Son, we have everything we need for the greatest happiness. You are so kind to us. Though we live in this world of misery, You are with us. We give our lives to You again. As we are able, we also give You the lives of our children. As long as they live, they are Yours. Even when they die, they are in Your hands. Blessed be Your Name.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Prayers based on 2 Kings 18-20

2 Kings 18

Father God, You are able to bring good news to Your people at just the right times. You also know the right discipline to give to Your children at just the right time. We thank You for the relief that You grant by giving us leaders who will listen to and obey Your commandments. Even the best of these will yet have weakness and sin. Enemies of great power and skill may come and speak to us words of hate and faithlessness. Teach us to trust in You, O Lord our God. Help us not to fall into dangerous lies and traps. The world around us is full of trouble and hate, but You are far more powerful than any foe. We will listen to You. Thank You for Your Son. His holiness and power are so far above even the best rulers. He must be the One who fights for us in our day of desperate trouble

2 Kings 19

O God, we have been humbled by our troubles. We were so proud of ourselves until a day of distress came to us. You must help us, or we will not be able to survive. You can send powers and principalities fleeing, despite all of their proud boasts. Grant us courage today. Fill us with a spirit of heartfelt prayer. Hear us when we cry out to You. You hear and see those who mock You. Save us from the hands of enemies that are too strong for us. You hear our prayers, and grant us the gift of hope. We will stand with You. You are able to humble the proudest foe. Our enemies are mortal, and the years of the most powerful adversary will come to an end. Your plans are from of old, and You will do all Your holy will. We will be amazed by Your wonderful deliverance. Surely You are God, and we are Your people. The end of the story will be different than the sorrow of the present moment.

2 Kings 20

Our Father, our lives are in Your hands. When we face our mortality, we cry out to You. You grant us life according to Your good pleasure. We thank You that our King Jesus reigns forever. The resurrection of our Messiah is the greatest sign to us of the truth of Your promises. On the day of blessing, help us to remain in watchfulness. Teach us to remember the humbling providences that we have suffered in the past, and to resist the danger of foolish pride.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Prayer based on 2 Kings 17

Sovereign Lord, how can Your people survive under wicked leaders? Our sin is all around us, and we face enemies that are too powerful for us. O God, we admit to You our fascination with the idolatries of this world. Like Your people of old, we have secretly served false gods. You warned us through those who have brought us Your Word. We despised the message of truth and Your commandments. We have moved in directions that have been horribly unprofitable. What trouble we have brought upon our lives! Please forgive us, help us, and rescue us from evil. We thank You for our strong Deliverer, Jesus Christ. He is able to help us. He is powerful and holy, and He has made promises to be with us, and to help us and our children. Please teach us how to live in a world full of false religious philosophies and immorality. We do not know how to do this. We need You to help us today and always. We need to remember how to fear You and to follow You, Deliver us out of the hand of our enemies. Teach us to be dedicated to You with all that we are and all that we have.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Prayers based on Leviticus 25-27

Leviticus 25

Merciful Lord, You have granted Your people rest in Your Son Jesus Christ. We are so often running in one direction, and then running in another. Please forgive us. One day a week is not enough for us to understand the fullness of rest that You have granted to us. We long for the age to come, the time of eternal Sabbath. Help us to enter into that rest even now. Grant us the material blessings necessary for us to live as we take the little day of rest that You have commanded us to observe. We rejoice in You. Lord God, we pray that You would grant to our hearts the joy of the fullest Jubilee in Your Son. We are priests who attend to You through Him. We also care for our brothers, for we have been redeemed from bondage. We are Your servants, and now we are Your Sons. What shall we be in the age to come? We know that we shall be like Jesus, for we shall see Him as He is. Grant us great joy in our families even now. Especially grant to us a fuller sense of our family joy in Your church. Why should the redeemed mourn or celebrate alone? We are Your people. We are Your servants. We are Your family.

Leviticus 26

God of Glory, You who made the heavens and the earth. Why would we make idols? Why would we hate the rest that You so kindly bestow upon us? Why would we turn away from Your Law. You have granted to us great promises for those who will believe and obey. Your Son has won for us the fullness of every blessing. We thank You, O God. By our own hypocrisy and disobedience we deserved the fullness of discipline from Your hand. You have discipline us in love, but not according to what we have deserved. We turn to You now. We will not walk contrary to You. Please do not send the curse of the covenant of works upon us. Please do not send Your fury against us. Your Son has fully atoned for our sins. Grant us a full mercy forever, Bring us rest in Jesus Christ. Take away our tears and our anxiety. We shall not perish forever. Please bring us resurrection lives. Do not leave our bodies in the grave forever. Come soon, Lord Jesus. We know that we spurned Your rules, but we hate our sin. You know that we cannot take much trouble or we will be ruined. We have had high spiritual pretensions, but low spiritual attainments. We have been given so much, and much is rightly required of us. Please forgive us.

Leviticus 27

Lord God, Your Son has made a precious vow upon the cross. We are the payment of that vow. His vow was a vow of persons. We have been promised to You by our gracious Savior. We will be perfectly holy one day, and we shall be Yours forever. We are Your servants, but we are also Your sons, and the bride of Your only-begotten Son, even His body. You have made such great promises to us. We have been redeemed. You certainly will not abandon us. We are not ashamed to ask You for those things that You have promised us in Your Word. You have said to us, “Never will I leave You. Never will I forsake You.” Please keep us in Your love forever.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Prayers based on Second Timothy

2 Timothy 1

Our Father, we thank You that we have been brought into Your family as beloved children. We also thank You for the blessing of godly elders and parents in the faith who have led us in the way of power, love, and self-control. Continue this great work of Your Holy Spirit among us. You have displayed to us Your wonderful grace. We see life even now. One day we shall see the resurrection. We long for the glorious coming of Your Son. We commit ourselves to the sure foundation of Your holy Word. We will guard that good deposit. Keep us in the faith, and move us forward in love.

2 Timothy 2

Lord God, help us to be faithful to Your Word. Grant that we would entrust Your truth to the next generation. Help us to see the battle and to commit ourselves to the work that You have granted to us. Christ is surely with us. May we never abandon Him. Thank You, O God, that He remains faithful, even in our moments of weakness and unbelief. Your Son will not deny Himself. You know those who are Yours. We depart from iniquity again by Your power. We are to be Your holy people. We want to pursue Your truth and righteousness with a stable heart. Grant us persistence and victory as we serve You day by day.

2 Timothy 3

Sovereign Lord, there is much sin in the world, and in the current age there is even much wickedness in the church. Bless us with spiritual wisdom, courage, and perseverance. We do not want to follow in the way of the proud. Grant us Your power so that we will resist foolish passions and hypocrisy. We thank You for the Scriptures. Keep us in Your Word, that we might live a godly life in Christ Jesus, lest we be deceived. Provide us constant faith and repentance. Thank You for the ministers of the Word You have granted to us. May they be equipped for every good work by Your wonderful Word.

2 Timothy 4

Almighty Father, help Your ministers to preach the Word faithfully. Why should Your people wander off into myths and the philosophies of men? Help us to keep the faith. We long for the appearing of Your Son. Keep us from an inordinate love of this world that would lead us in directions that would not be profitable for Your Kingdom. Despite whatever persecution we may face, help us to continue boldly in the gospel of Christ by Your grace.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ezekiel 11

When God sent destruction upon Jerusalem, He did not act against a faceless city. God has an exhaustive knowledge of all His creatures. He knew all of the people in the city. In particular, He brings attention to two specific leaders who had somehow risen to prominence after the former ruling class had been carried off to Babylon. These two men are mentioned by name, and their words are recorded. Their counsel to the city is called wicked. These leaders were not leading God’s people in heartfelt repentance for their sin. They were not seeking to hear the Word of God and to obey. God revealed the idle words of these men to His prophet.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ezekiel 10

God is a Spirit. He does not have a body like man. Jesus is God, but He is also fully man, which is why He is visible. Yet God has made Himself visible in some sense at different times, taking on an appearance before someone to make some point or other. In this prophetic book we are now used to thinking about the presence of God in terms of His glory chariot and His throne. Details of color are mentioned and angelic beings are described.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ezekiel 9

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ezekiel 8

The people of God were in exile. Ezekiel was with the elders of Judah, and the hand of the Lord GOD fell upon him there in the land of exile. The message from God came through His prophet in the hearing of those who had special responsibility for the Lord’s nation. They were leaders of the people, though they were in forced subjection to another nation by God’s hand.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ezekiel 7

“An end!” We are moving toward an end. The end is in God’s hand, and it always has been in God’s hand. That end will be glorious, so glorious that we live today in the light of that coming day. That end will not be a mere local end. It will be global. In the day of Ezekiel a lesser “end” came for Judah and Israel. Though that was not the big end, it was very big for the people who lived through it. That end came upon the four corners of Israel. The bigger coming day will come upon the four corners of the entire earth. That day will not only be a day of wrath. It will be a day of the fullest salvation for the people of God. It is the beauty of that salvation that gives us courage and strength as we feel the horror of smaller ends that come upon us in the trials that the Lord ordains for his people and his church in the current age.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Prayer based on Luke 21

Our Father, we give You all that we have today; even out of our poverty. Surely we are a part of a new temple through faith in Your Son. There is much trouble all around us. We know that the gospel must be preached to all nations. You will protect Your children as we move forward in this task. Provide for Your servants who are seeking only to do what You have commanded. One day there will be signs in the heavens, and Your Son will come. All Your good plans will be fulfilled. May we be those who wait faithfully, and who serve You diligently, as we long for His appearing.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ezekiel 6

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ezekiel 5