
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Micah 1

The Lord Himself needed to work out our salvation. Only by His mighty hand could our rescue be accomplished. Through the cross of Christ we see displayed an ultimate and effectual exile that we deserved. Judah and Israel did deserve to be sent away from the Promised Land. As observers of their grief from various nations of the earth we must frankly admit that our sin deserves displacement from any place of blessing. But Christ was exiled for us. He was cast out of the holy city and nailed to a cross, though He had done nothing wrong. He was cut off of the Lord’s people that we might be brought in, together with many descendants of Jacob. We have been justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is ours in Christ Jesus.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Jonah 4

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prayer based on Exodus 27

Almighty God, Your Son was offered up for us, as our one great Sacrifice. Everything in Your earthly sanctuary was holy. Every item was to be treated with the greatest reverence and respect, for these symbolic items spoke to us of You and Your grace. Help us to revere You as the One true living God. Grant us oil for our lamps, O Lord, for we shine forth for Your glory. Supply us with a Word from heaven, that we might live.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Prayer based on Jeremiah 19

Lord God, the end of the wicked is a shocking reality that requires our serious consideration. This is what we deserved because of our sin, and this is what Your Son has suffered for us through His death on the cross. Father, among the people of this world over the course of centuries we have learned of times of devastating destruction. In the pages of Your Word we have read about the things that took place in Israel and Judah, times of suffering and exile that were severely troubling. Thank You for rescuing us from the greatest calamity. Grant to us ears to hear Your Word faithfully today, that we might worship You in Spirit and in truth.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jonah 3

It has been the Lord’s good pleasure that the message of judgment and grace would not be limited only to the descendants of Jacob. It is also His great mercy that all of the merit of Christ’s obedience and death would actually be extended to people from every tribe, tongue, and nation, as millions are granted God’s gift of saving grace. It is also apparently a fact that some who should tremble at his Word will not do so. We are told of this surprising fact by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 12:41: “The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.”

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jonah 2

Salvation is of the Lord! Our risen Savior will keep His promise. He will bring forward a great praise in the assembly of the righteous in the heavenly sanctuary. All is well, despite the continuing evidence of the curse of God against Adam’s world. There is a new world that is coming in Christ and is already here in the gospel. That new world will be the fulfillment of what Jonah calls “salvation” which the Lord Jesus Christ has displayed as resurrection.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jonah 1

Jonah stands as the supreme example of prophetic unwillingness. He ran away from his mission. Our great Prophet, the Lord Jesus Christ, never ran away from His calling. Even though He had the power to end His suffering and to send legions of angels against His enemies, He played His unique role with a perfectly holy resolve. This was especially confirmed prior to his betrayal in these glorious words: “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Here we find not only the greatest example of dedication ever known. In His death we have the powerful accomplishment of the fullness of our salvation, a salvation that could never have been won for us if Jesus had sailed in some other direction, away from the cross.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Monday, September 22, 2008

Amos 9

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Prayer based on Exodus 26

Father, we are Your people. You have broadened Your tabernacle to include us within Your worshipping assembly. Why should we ignore the joy of worship as if it were nothing? There is a battle within us. Will we view Your holy assembly as the world views us, or will we look beyond our weakness to the coming Day of Glory? Your heavenly tabernacle is full of wonder. Thank you for Your instructions to Your people concerning the earthly tabernacle. It was made according to the pattern shown on the mountain. We long for something more than any earthly place of worship. We need something more than a temporary mercy seat. We long for the permanent place of the fullest security and holiness. Come soon, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Prayer based on Jeremiah 18

Creator God, we have been formed by You and fashioned for Your holy purposes. We live for a time here below. The day of our birth is known to You as is the coming day of death. We will serve You as long as we live. We will abandon our evil plans and deeds. We will return to You. How could we have wandered so far away? We have left the good pathway on so many occasions, yet You grant to us eternal hope through Jesus Christ. Show us the truth of Your Word in the day when enemies dig a pit for our lives. Grant us deliverance and hope, and may mortal foes be made friends through faith in Your Son and the power of the cross. Overthrow the old man of sin within us, and bring the new man of resurrection life into the eternal fullness of joy in Your presence forevermore.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Amos 8

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Amos 7

Jesus came to save. Though He alone could stand as the true plumb line, He took our place as a tottering whitewashed wall that was about to fall. He did this on the cross, and He was crushed there for our iniquities. Nonetheless, His perfect strength and integrity was displayed through that greatest moment of His weakness, and He has provided for the Lord’s new temple the perfect cornerstone in His death and resurrection. Now the foundation of apostles and prophets stands in perfect alignment with this great cornerstone, and we are being built up on that good foundation as a holy temple in the Lord Jesus Christ.