Be back on 1/11/2010 with 1 Thessalonians 1
Have a very merry Christmas!
I'll be back with morning messages when daily worship resumes on 1/11/2010.
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street
Have a very merry Christmas!
We will have church, Lord willing, every Sunday, but we ask that you make a wise and cautious decision concern your own participation given your location and the road conditions.
We have a Master in heaven. No matter how many people we may rule on earth, we are not the ruler over Jesus Christ. Having a master over us, should we consider our position to be unfortunate? That depends entirely on the one who is our ruler. There is no better master than Jesus. What kind of master is willing to give his life for someone who is his servant? This is what Jesus has done for us. Can there be any doubt of His affection for us and His commitment to us.
We live on earth, and earth is quite a place to be. There is so much to see here, and so many people to enjoy. This is also a place with a serious problem. Sin and the judgment of God have taken a toll on the earth. There is something within us that longs for some other place, some other age, some other person or God who will make things right. We are told that God “has put eternity into man’s heart” in such a way that man “cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). There appears to be a universal yearning for something more, though we perhaps suppress this desire in our denial of God. But for those who have the wonder of Christ in us, the hope of glory, there is no need to deny Christ, and no sense in ignoring glory.
Our love for the Lord’s church often begins with those whom we know and have seen face to face, but it cannot end there. We desire the very best for all in the body of Christ throughout the world, and there can be no question about what the best is that we seek for all. It is not merely riches, comforts, friendship, safety, or the appearance of spiritual wisdom or self-restraint. More than all these good gifts we want Christ, both for our own lives and for all the churches that we have heard of, and even those of whom we may have no knowledge at present.
It is such a great blessing that there are those servants who have brought to us a true Word from the Lord by the will of God. That word is full of the grace and peace of God which has been won for us at great cost by Jesus Christ. God uses that word as a call to our souls, doing a spiritual work that enlivens the faith of the Lord’s people and their love for Him and for all those who belong to Him.
The Apostle Paul considers this church in Philippi to be his joy and crown. He came over to Macedonia originally by divine revelation. In a vision a “man” of Macedonia was urging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” In Acts 16, the first convert recorded was a woman of Macedonia, Lydia, but there followed many other men and women, included Paul’s jailer. Now two particular women in the congregation who have worked with Paul in the past, Euodia and Syntyche, have to be asked to agree in the Lord. They need to seek the mind of Christ, to have humility with rejoicing. This is always the way in the churches. People have problems with one another as they do in extended families. The existence of churches in Philippi does not mean that all the implications of the fall have been entirely overturned.
The mind of Christ is the answer for the church. If we are to do what the Lord tells us to with anything resembling a full and willing heart, we need spiritual resources of awakening and real growth that can only come from on high. We know from the Word of Christ and from the pattern of His life that following in the way of His mind will involve suffering. One aspect of the mind of Christ is the humble willingness to be low so that someone else might be blessed. Yet there is another important component to following Christ that Paul has already mentioned, but which is more fully developed in the remainder of this letter. The person who thinks like Jesus will not only be a man of sorrows, he will also rejoice in the Lord. This combination of grief and joy does not insist that we always dance, but it does call for a serene trust in Almighty God under challenging providences, such as the imprisonment of this apostle.
Paul is counting on the affection of the church in Philippi for Christ, for the gospel, and for one another when he calls them to live in imitation of Jesus. Do they have any joyful energy for the message of the cross? Does the love of the Father mean anything to them? Is their experience of the blessing that comes from the Holy Spirit something upon which they place any real value? Are they moved at all by their concern for one another in the household of God? The obvious expected answer to all of these questions is, “Of course!” Paul then presses the implications of these good motions of the redeemed soul, and calls upon the church to further pursue true gospel unity, rejecting the bait of ungodly factions that will only destroy the peace of the church.
There are some New Testament letters, like Ephesians, that seem like they could be just as much directed to any church as to the church referenced in the name of the letter. Others, like Philippians seem to have a specific purpose in addressing a situation in one particular church. This purpose is sometimes very obvious, as when Paul writes so forthrightly to the Galatians about the serious danger from those who insist that the law concerning circumcision is still in effect and needs to be applied to Gentile converts. In other cases the matter may be more delicate, requiring some reference of concern that will hopefully lead certain people in a better gospel direction. In the church in Philippi, there were two women who had served faithfully together for the cause of the gospel, Euodia and Syntyche. These women were not getting along, and Paul was concerned about the impact that this might have more broadly in the church, so he called upon the leaders there to help these women move toward fuller Christ-like living.
We have been exploring the Christian way of life that flows from the grace that we have received from God. In this life, we know that we will have sin, yet it is the Lord’s will to sanctify us. The blood of Christ is the power behind our new standing with God, but it is also the power for our growth in holiness. As those who have seen what holiness is in Christ, and who have been granted the Holy Spirit in us, we are given new resources for worship, for thankfulness, and for godly submission within the structures of authority that the Lord has established.
We could summarize the whole story of Ephesians in one sentence if we wanted to: Know God more and more in all His grandeur and grace (1-3), and then act accordingly (4-6). Since the beginning of God’s dealings with man, the root commandment has been this simple. The Lord speaks as our great and loving Father. He says to us, “Be like Me.” Of course there are some things that we just cannot do. God is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His very nature. Yet as creatures of God, as those created in His image, we can consider this our prime directive, that in every appropriate creaturely way, we are to be imitators of God, as His beloved children.
The foundation for obedient spiritual living is obedient spiritual thinking. For the first half of this letter, the Apostle Paul has presented the truth to the church in a way that should thrill the hearts of the redeemed. Here are some of the things we have learned: God is big. The Father has chosen us in love. The Son shed His blood for us. The Spirit is enlightening the eyes of our hearts. Our God has a wonderful eternal plan concerning heaven and earth. He is bringing about that plan in Jesus Christ and in the church that is united to Him. Our lives are full of meaning in Jesus. God is able to do far more in and through us than we can even ask or think. These are the ideas to which we must continually return if we want to grow spiritually.
The Apostle Paul was given a special job that had much to do with God’s plan to bring the message of grace to the world. The pivotal figure in the plan of grace was not Paul, but Jesus. It is Jesus who had provided the obedience necessary for Gentiles (and Jews) to have right standing with God. It was Jesus who took the sins of the elect on Himself through His death, so that the debt that we had before God could be cleared. It was Jesus who proved the reality of the plan of God in His own resurrection. It was Jesus who sent forth the apostles to make disciples of all nations. It was Jesus who met Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, and left this persecutor of the church blinded and bewildered, so that he had to be led by the hand to the home of a Christian man named Ananias. It was Jesus who informed Ananias that Paul would be His chosen instrument to carry His name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. It was Jesus who gave Paul great insight into the mystery that Gentiles would be on an equal standing with Jews in the Lord’s church as fellow heirs of the promises of God together with circumcised believers. There were many passages in the Old Testament that had clearly indicated that the plans of God for mercy extended far beyond Israel to all the family groups of the earth (See Genesis 12:1-3, Psalm 100, and so many others). What was something of a mystery was the extent to Gentiles would be members of the same body with Jews, and that they would be able to remain as Gentiles, rather than having to become Jews according to the ceremonial laws of the Old Covenant. This blessed message, entrusted to Paul, came from Jesus.
It is too easy for us to imagine that we bring something to God that makes Him like us. The truth is that God has great resources of mercy and pity for us, and it is His prior commitment of love that makes everything happen in our lives concerning our movement toward Him. The reality of our prior spiritual condition is so far from recommending us to God that Paul can say that we had no life at all with which we could have moved toward the Lord. We were dead in our trespasses and sins.