4, 2013 Evening:
The Sanctifier of the Sanctified
Testament Passage: Psalm 104:31-35 – May the Glory of the Lord
endure forever.
Passage: Mark 11:15-19 – Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Text: Hebrews 2:11a “For he who sanctifies and those who are
sanctified all have one source....”
Point: Jesus is cleansing a new temple.
[11] For
he who sanctifies
lives now have a very important purpose. Though each person may
struggle with some of the details of his or her calling, we are all
called to be holy, set apart for God, and filled with His Spirit as
the new temple of God. We live in the midst of a world that has been
defiled by sin. But if we confess our sin, He is gracious and just,
not only to forgive our sin, but also to cleanse us from all
is the will of God, your sanctification.
One who sanctifies is God. He is holy, and He makes us to be holy by
the gift of Himself. We have Christ in us, the hope of glory. Peter
says that we have been made partakers of the divine nature, having
escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful
those who are sanctified
Father in heaven, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit of God are
together the Source of sanctification in the church. We who have
faith in God are the object of God's loving motions of
sanctification. Our Lord, who disciplines those He loves, is not
content to leave us unclean. He sees the impurity in us, just as
surely as He saw the problem in the Old Testament temple, which had
become a den of robbers.
Lord will use His Word, among other means of grace, to show us our
stains and to enable us to walk as a new holy temple of the Lord.
have one source. (out of one [are] all)
words that are translated here, “all have one source,” are
literally, “out of One all,” or “all are of One.” The author
wants us to see the closeness between God and His people through
Jesus Christ.
Lord's intention is not the building of an imposing structure that
will impress men, but the gathering of a people that will be a living
holy temple for His presence forever. This is the way that He has
chosen to display His glory into eternity, through this temple of
people. He has zeal for this glorious house.
is your primary calling in life. How is that work going? How has the
Lord sanctified you during the last month? What holiness has He
worked in you?
you feel all alone in the work of holiness? That feeling is not
accurate or helpful. If you are in Christ, then He is in you, and
all are of this One. Knowing that and learning to rely on Him in
your work of sanctification may be the key to real progress.
is no way to be sanctified outside of Christ.