
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Proverbs 9

The Lord has sent out an invitation to a great banquet. Many are called, but few seem to respond, even among those who have some association with Jesus. He invites people to partake of a veritable feast of heavenly wisdom. It is the food that our souls need. Will we hear the Lord's entreaties?
There are other alternatives. If we are always filling our bellies with the buffet of choices available all around us, we will have no appetite left for the food that Christ brings by His Holy Spirit. For instance, the world has a mountain of mocking cynicism that we can unwisely take into our hearts. If we get used to that bad diet we turn into scoffers. A quick wit may win us laughs, but it can deaden our ears toward the truth.
Folly is shouting out to us with her brash offers. She advertises the virtues of stolen goods rather than the fruit of honest labor. She leads people to secret places of shame and confusion. How can we avoid significant moral error? We need to hear the call of Christ instead of the voice that would make unholy pathways seem attractive and profitable.
Jesus has bread and wine for us in the assembly of those who see His death as the way to eternal life. He invites us to love one another, not by being clever or popular, but by growing together as we hear His voice. The wisdom of the Lord leads us into holy relationships where we are willing to consider others more highly than we do ourselves. This is not the way of the world, but it is the way of the cross. It is the good counsel of the Almighty and it leads to a world of resurrection life.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

O God of Wisdom, You have invited us to have communion with You. Grant us help from on high, that we may increase in wisdom. Help us to resist folly. Folly moves foolish people on a pathway of deceit, crime, and death. We need You. We need Your strength. It is not enough for us to know the way of wisdom. We must walk in it. We must come into Your home. We must sit down at Your table. We must rise up day by day and embrace You. Make us wise, O God.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Proverbs 8

Christ is the Wisdom of God in person, and we receive His love for us as the Husband of His people. But here in Proverbs 8, the wisdom of God is personified as a very beautiful and godly woman. Her voice is a holy call that can be heard by those who have ears to hear.
Wisdom calls all people to herself. All her words are true and noble, and the life that she has for those who love her is a life of virtue and fruitfulness. Those who embrace this great gift of the Lord find godliness with contentment, which is greater gain than all the wealth of the world.
Who is the hero of Proverbs 8? The great gift extolled here cannot be an alternative to the Lord of the church. She springs forth from God, the fount of every good gift. Her heritage is from of old, even before the foundation of the world. A master workman with the Almighty in all His deeds of creation, like a child of God, wisdom was rejoicing before Him always and receiving His loving commendation throughout eternity past.
The sons of God throughout the world will listen to this lovely voice. Seeing this great virtue with the eyes of our hearts is seeing the face of the One who lived for us in perfect wisdom. Hearing His voice in the Word and in the revelation that comes through creation is hearing the One who says to His disciples, “Follow Me.”
We need to answer the call of the Wisdom of God. In His beautiful voice, the voice of Jesus our Redeemer, is the blessing of a life that calls us forward on the path of faith. In His presence we find the One that leads us onward toward our heavenly home.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Great God and King, You are the Source of all wisdom. Your Son is wisdom incarnate. He has spoken noble things. He has hated wickedness and lawlessness. He has perfectly attended to Your holy instruction. All knowledge and discretion are in Him. If we will seek wisdom with all our hearts, we will be able to lead well in the spheres where You have placed us. Grant to us the inheritance of those who have truly embraced Your wisdom. We marvel at what You have accomplished in all Your perfect wisdom. Through wisdom You have made the heavens and the earth. Through this same wisdom You maintain all of Your works according to Your plan. Through Your wisdom we have been delivered from the way that leads to death. Wisdom has always been Your delight. We will listen to the One who is Your wisdom, and we will find life and peace in Him.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Proverbs 7

The life of following Jesus Christ requires many daily choices. The question before each one of us is the one that Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” If Jesus is the Christ, the Lord, the Son of the Living God, then following Him will require the rejection of lesser loves that are found to be inconsistent with the wisdom that is from above.
The young man who consents to the enticements of an adulterous woman lacks this clarity of spiritual maturity. If he follows the wrong woman, he will go down a road that leads to death.
He is not alone. There are many young men who would make the same choice. But do they know that Jesus is Lord? It is especially sad when a young man who professes faith in Christ is enticed away from the love of wisdom by a woman who is not worthy of his best affection.
When he says yes to another man's wife, he acts like an undisciplined animal who can only follow his appetite. Her husband will hunt him down when he finds out what he has done. Even if that husband never knows about his wife's infidelity, or if for some strange reason he does not care, the Lord will know.
What a mistake! Run away from immorality and run back to the embrace of the One who forgives all of your sins. He knows how to restore foolish young men who have been led away from Him for a season. He knows how to heal a woman who is looking for love in all the wrong places.
Do not look upon the disaster of an unholy lifestyle as inevitable. Ask the Lord of love for a heart of wisdom and receive His grace once again.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Lord God, what is our twisted confusion that we find wickedness so attractive? How many times do we need to hear warnings against adultery? Isn’t the danger of sexual relationships outside of the protection of marriage a very obvious thing? Yet the young are exceedingly foolish on these matters, and even adults are slow to grow up. They still cling to the stupidity of unclean sexual behavior and look so foolish in their aging lusts. Protect us all from this way of sin long before it finds a dangerous resting place in our hearts. Surely we are not yet beyond this kind of evil. It could so easily infect our souls and destroy our lives. Protect us from this kind of deadly behavior. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Proverbs 6

How does a man restart his life after he has made a terrible decision? The feeling of “no exit” can be overwhelming for someone who is stuck in financial commitments that look like they might bring him down. But the Lord is able to grant a new beginning, and He can help a person to learn a lesson that will help keep him from unnecessary bondage.
Pride can get in the way of our freedom. Will we go and humble ourselves in front of others and seek a fresh start? When we have our lives back again, what will we do then? We need to settle on good plans of daily diligence and abandon get rich quick schemes. Even when our outrageous plans seem to work, they may take a toll on body and soul that we will later find unbearable. If we can get out of bondage today, we should do so, and thank the Lord for our daily bread.
Greed is such a dangerous blindness. A diseased soul places himself above God and makes schemes. Is he even in charge of his next breath? Will he have another chance to find peace?
The Lord is God. He is the Almighty One. There are ways of life that He loves, and habits of the heart that He hates. God will not be mocked. Our only hope is in the righteousness of His Son, but that hope is sure. Through the cross of Christ we have the forgiveness of a debt that was far more than we could have ever paid. We also have the power of a new day, a day beyond the wretched mess of our past choices.
It would be great if we did not have to learn lessons of holiness the hard way. We could listen to those who know. We could especially listen to Jesus, the Word made flesh. We could worship God through Him and turn away from a dangerous path before we get stuck in the mud.
How can we pursue holiness in matters of sexual intimacy? A life of wandering affections is not worthy of our immortal souls. We will only regret our indiscretions. We must not go there. If we find ourselves where we ought not to be, we should get out immediately, before we lose our lives.
Yet many people do not heed the voice that God has appointed for their instruction. They imagine that they know better. They see a forbidden prize and determine to go for it.
The Lord is God. There is a way He has provided in the wilderness that leads back home to Him. Jesus is that way. Thank the Lord for repentance and the gift of a new sunrise in the embrace of our faithful and holy Friend.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Our Father, please protect us from the foolish snare of inappropriate financial commitments. Help us to live in an orderly way, diligent in our duties, and seeking good in all situations. Thank you for the hope that we have of a coming day of perfect deliverance from all sin. Even now we turn away from those things that You hate. We thank You for the gift of those who have taught us the right way to go. Help us not to forsake their good counsel. Keep us from an adulterous woman. She destroys her lovers. We are so grateful for Your perfect faithfulness and holiness, credited to us through faith in Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Proverbs 5

How can a young man keep his way pure?” (Psalm 119:9) We must not decide that purity is utterly impossible, as if the Lord were asking us all to travel to the moon by our own power. There is an answer given in Psalm 119 to this very important question: “By living according to Your Word.”
This is what Jesus did for us. He heard the voice of His Father, and He listened and obeyed.
Not everything that tastes like honey will be good for a man's soul. But will he have the wisdom to reject temptation before it becomes a powerful impulse within him? Will he see the world God's way, or will he fall for the common conceit that his own understanding is better than the Word of the Lord? Will the words of a seductive woman who may not even know what she is doing be more appealing to him than the voice of God?
Forgiveness is very plentiful for all who repent and believe. We can thank Jesus for that. But the consequences of an immoral lifestyle cannot be wished away in a moment. May the Lord heal those who sincerely come to Him for help.
Unguarded affections kill. In the end a young man may come to see how he has ruined his life, but at that moment of new wisdom he may also discover that he has many troubles that will not be repaired instantly and easily. Then he will regret his foolishness. Why not hear that word today, before the initial steps of an undisciplined life are taken?
The Lord's lawful provision for a man is found in marriage to the right woman. What is so bad about waiting for God to provide a good wife and enjoying an honorable life together with her? A man can rejoice in her love for the rest of his days, and experience the amazing blessing of having a family. This is the best way for him to go. If that is not God's providence for a particular person, he should remember that a single life of devoted service to the Lord can also be blessed by God.
Early decisions can be a matter of life or death. But will young men hear and believe?
There was one Man who perfectly heard and fully obeyed. Jesus saw His beloved as someone to be saved and protected, and not as an object to be used and discarded. He kept His way pure by guarding it according to the Word of His Father. He willingly received death for His bride, the church, so that we would live forever.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Great God, we need to hear You. We must have discretion. We cannot live in the pursuit of base pleasures. There are much better delights that You have for those who are willing to love Your Word and Your presence among us. We think back to former days. We hated discipline. But You rescued us from that dangerous life. You have shown to many the gift of the love of one woman. We thank You for the blessing of marriage, and we ask that You would keep us from seductive thoughts, words, and actions that would destroy our lives.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Proverbs 4

What does it mean for us to grow in Christian maturity? We need to listen to wise instruction and to let it change us.
Maturity in the Lord is not just for young men. Paul writes in Titus 2:2, “Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.” This is a worthy goal. How can we attain it unless we follow the good examples that God has set before us?
Even old men need to listen to wisdom. We especially need to listen to the Word of God and to diligently put it into practice, rather than falling back into bad habits.
Wisdom demands that we see the difference between good and evil, and that we stay away from foolishness. We cannot find maturity in Jesus by joining with others in their malice and violence. That should be obvious. The pathway of wickedness leads only to darkness and death.
There is a better way—one that our righteous Savior walked for us. That road leads to ever clearer spiritual vision and to the bright day of healthy resurrection living, but it requires that we pick up the cross that God has ordained for us and walk in love.
We will foolishly reject that cross if we live our lives according to childish impulses. The maturity of true faith demands that we learn this discernment concerning our own hearts and find the courage from the Lord to reject evil.
Are we wandering from the joy of the Lord? Are we returning to old ways that will only lead to trouble? We need to see the wisdom of God again in our Savior and run toward that light. His love for us can be the delight of our hearts. Remember, He forgives and He renews. Out of our hearts will flow streams of living water, the Lord's gift to His children.
Following the Savior who loves us requires diligence. We need to pay attention not only to the meditations of our hearts, but also to the words that we speak. We need to govern ourselves by the grace that the Lord supplies.
We have learned the value of listening to the truth. We have also found that we cannot let our eyes gaze longingly at that which will only destroy us. We will only avoid injury if we are willing to diligently keep our eyes on the pathway that leads to life. “Lead on, O King eternal. We follow you!”

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Lord God, there is no doubt that You give us good precepts. Help us to see the connection between true wisdom and obedience. As a matter of first importance, may we seek the way of wisdom with real earnestness. Protect us and our children from dangerous company. The way of the wicked would be very destructive for us. We must not think that we are safe associating with those of crooked speech and devious talk. Keep us on a straight path of what we clearly know to be right.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Proverbs 3

Can we trust the Lord with our sons and daughters? Can we believe that our entreaties to God and to our young ones have not fallen on deaf ears?
There may be periods in the lives of those who are growing up when it would seem that all is lost. But the Lord is able to help His beloved children to remember Him and His Word.
Both parent and child need to hear the Word of the Lord and believe. We need to know that the steadfast love and faithfulness of Jesus is not only our salvation, but also the way of life for us that is worthy of sincere imitation.
Our minds can come up with objections to the lifestyle of true faith, but we must not entertain unbelief as a welcomed guest in our souls. We must not let faithlessness into our hearts. The Lord is not only the best guest in our home, He is the perfect Lord of the entire estate. He will direct our paths. We must give Him our first and our best. He deserves nothing less.
Even the day of discipline that comes from our Father's hand can lead us to honest thanksgiving. Imagine that the God of the universe, the Father of our Savior, cares enough for us to ordain our trials. He has a good purpose behind every challenging moment. God is causing us, often through these sufferings, to grow in wisdom. Wisdom is a very good gift that is worth the momentary affliction that we may face today.
The Lord made the earth in perfect wisdom. We cannot understand the events in our individual lives, but He has perfect command over the vast array of details that make up all the realms that He has brought into being. Of course we can trust Him. He has given us His Son. The Lord is our confidence.
Is there a good path in front of us today? We should take that road, and trust in God. Stay away from all evil and unnecessary contention. Our days here below are few. Use them well, and look for the blessing that the Lord will bring on the dwelling of the righteous.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Sovereign Lord, we have taught our children the way to go. Forgive us where we have failed in our duties. Will the next generation remember that way of righteousness and follow it? Father, we admit to You that we have been wise in our own eyes. This is not the way of hope. Thank You for the discipline that You have given us. We see that You have moved us in the way of the cross through Your hand of correction. May we walk securely in faith and love. Give us diligence and prosperity that we might have something to share with those in need. We want You, O Lord. Give us wisdom so that we will know how to live in humility and peace.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Proverbs 2

It is a great blessing from the Lord to have a godly father on earth who loves us and seeks to instruct us in the way to go. But will young men and women listen to instruction? How well did we appreciate the discipline that came from our fathers when we were growing up?
Despite all that can go wrong between fathers and sons in this world of sin and suffering, God is eager to speak to us tenderly as those who have a family relation with Him. What a blessing that the Lord of glory would address each of us with the words, “My son!” Will we listen to Him?
If we seek the voice of God and follow His precepts we will find a treasure that is worth more than all the riches in this world. Even though we face a measure of suffering now, the Lord is guiding us in the way of life.
Jesus, who was perfect in holiness, suffered. He has assured us that all who desire to live a godly life in Him will have tribulation. But the wisdom of our good Father, if followed, will keep us from unnecessary troubles.
If we listen to the Word of the best Father, then we will be delivered from the temptations that can come from close association with evil men. They take their delight in what should disgust them. Why should we imitate their bad behavior?
Fools are led away from the good life by dangerous friends or by adulterous women. Yet in Christ there is hope for a son who has wasted his money on prostitutes and remembers that there is food in his Father's house. There is also deliverance for the woman who has sold her body to men, since she has been redeemed by a Husband who will protect her forever.
Amazing love! How can it be that God would die for prostitutes and sinners? There is still a good future for anyone who will hear the voice of the Lord today, run away from certain destruction, and receive God's eternal embrace in Jesus Christ.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Father God, we call out to You for insight and understanding. You are the Source of all wisdom. Help us to walk in true integrity as followers of Jesus Christ. He served in the way of righteousness continually. Deliver us from adulterous affections, and from men who rejoice in doing evil. Help us to remember the way of wisdom and to live a life of holiness and fruitfulness. Give us a fuller expectation that we will be with You in the land that You have prepared for those who fear You.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Proverbs 1

Give me wisdom.”
That is what Solomon, the son of David, asked God for as a young man who had the responsibility to govern the Lord's people as king. “Give Your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern Your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this Your great people?” (1 Kings 3:9)
In the New Testament, James assures us that we all should seek wisdom from God. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
The book of Proverbs, written by Solomon and others, has a purpose. These words are given to help us gain wisdom and insight so that we can know the right way to live before God. This collection of sayings will help us grow in prudence and discretion if we allow the Lord to use them powerfully in our lives. They are the guidance and instruction of a good Father to His sons.
The first proverb in this book informs us of the posture that we must have before the Father who loves us. We need the fear of the Lord. It is the beginning of knowledge.
It is foolishness to forget the greatness of God and to approach Him and His Word as just one among many other voices. We should tremble at His holy Word and receive His merciful benediction.
Listen to your Father. Don't fall for the enticement of sinners who urge evil upon you. Don't find your identity in your connection with some gang of men. Find your meaning first in God and in His Son, Jesus. Let all lesser associations be governed by your primary union with God through Jesus Christ, your Lord.
The warning given in the opening chapter of Proverbs is solemn, and it should be sobering. People forget about God and make plans to abuse others for their own selfish gain, but they fall into their own traps.
Jesus was full of the Spirit of God, but where did that wisdom lead Him? To testing. To suffering. To the cross. But then beyond the cross, to glory. He reigns over heaven and earth as King, and He sends forth His wisdom to you as a gift. The One who is the Wisdom of God is calling out to you now. Receive His correction. Love His wisdom. His voice is the only one that leads to life. Every other pathway leads to destruction.

Prayer from A Book of Prayers

Great God of Light, we want to know Your wisdom. We want to receive Your instruction. We want Your Word to make a difference in our lives, that we might not only hear but also obey You. Your teaching is the very best gift for our ears and our hearts. May we take in Your Word deeply. Cause us to walk in holy society, rather than joining in the company of wicked fools. We turn away from greed, and we run with joy to hear Your Word of truth. We open our hearts to the full river of wisdom that comes from Your throne. We will be safe because of Your strength and mercy. We choose to fear You, and we hear Your holy reproof and encouragement. We will dwell securely forever, for You have given us ears to hear Your holy Word.