“Give me wisdom.”
That is what Solomon, the son of David, asked God for as
a young man who had the responsibility to govern the Lord's people as
king. “Give Your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern
Your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is
able to govern this Your great people?” (1 Kings 3:9)
In the New Testament, James assures us that we all
should seek wisdom from God. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him
ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be
given him.” (James 1:5)
The book of Proverbs, written by Solomon and others, has
a purpose. These words are given to help us gain wisdom and insight
so that we can know the right way to live before God. This collection
of sayings will help us grow in prudence and discretion if we allow
the Lord to use them powerfully in our lives. They are the guidance
and instruction of a good Father to His sons.
The first proverb in this book informs us of the posture
that we must have before the Father who loves us. We need the fear of
the Lord. It is the beginning of knowledge.
It is foolishness to forget the greatness of God and to
approach Him and His Word as just one among many other voices. We
should tremble at His holy Word and receive His merciful benediction.
Listen to your Father. Don't fall for the enticement of
sinners who urge evil upon you. Don't find your identity in your
connection with some gang of men. Find your meaning first in God and
in His Son, Jesus. Let all lesser associations be governed by your
primary union with God through Jesus Christ, your Lord.
The warning given in the opening chapter of Proverbs is
solemn, and it should be sobering. People forget about God and make
plans to abuse others for their own selfish gain, but they fall into
their own traps.
Jesus was full of the Spirit of God, but where did that
wisdom lead Him? To testing. To suffering. To the cross. But then
beyond the cross, to glory. He reigns over heaven and earth as King,
and He sends forth His wisdom to you as a gift. The One who is the
Wisdom of God is calling out to you now. Receive His correction. Love
His wisdom. His voice is the only one that leads to life. Every other
pathway leads to destruction.
Great God of Light,
we want to know Your wisdom. We want to receive Your instruction. We
want Your Word to make a difference in our lives, that we might not
only hear but also obey You. Your teaching is the very best gift for
our ears and our hearts. May we take in Your Word deeply. Cause us to
walk in holy society, rather than joining in the company of wicked
fools. We turn away from greed, and we run with joy to hear Your Word
of truth. We open our hearts to the full river of wisdom that comes
from Your throne. We will be safe because of Your strength and mercy.
We choose to fear You, and we hear Your holy reproof and
encouragement. We will dwell securely forever, for You have given us
ears to hear Your holy Word.