Ezekiel 33
“You, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house
of Israel.” Ezekiel was to be an authoritative spokesman of
Almighty God. If the Lord told him to deliver a message to someone
and Ezekiel refused to do so, “that wicked person shall die in his
iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.” Jehovah
insisted that His messengers be faithful.
God also demanded that His people submit to what they
heard from His ambassadors. “I have no pleasure in the death of the
wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back,
turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of
Israel?” It was the responsibility of the chosen people to trust in
the Lord for their righteousness and to live as His faithful
servants. Instead they insisted that God was being unjust with them.
God's reply to their critique: “O house of Israel, I will judge
each of you according to his ways.”
Soon after the destruction of the city of Jerusalem by
the Babylonians, Ezekiel received an account of what had taken place
from a “fugitive” who had made his way to the place where the
prophet lived in exile. “The city has been struck down.” By the
time this man arrived God had opened the prophet's mouth after a long
time of being mute. (Ezekiel 3:26)
Ezekiel then delivered God's rebuke concerning two areas
of sin. First, those back in the Promised Land were trusting in
themselves to be able to get back everything that the Lord had taken
away from them. They imagined that they could regain the land because there were so many of them. Second, the exiles were approaching
the prophetic oracles as a form of entertainment. They enjoyed
listening to the prophet, but they would not obey the Lord. Both of
these significant failings were a denial of their relationship with
God. He alone could restore them to the land, and they needed to hear
the message of His prophet as it truly was—a directive from heaven.
Jesus came as the fulfillment of everything that Israel
was supposed to be. He loved and served His Father. His cross was the
ultimate victory of devoted obedience. He calls us who have received
all His benefits to follow Him in all our affections, words, and
from A
Book of Prayers
Our Father, the
ministers of the Word in Your churches have an important job as
watchmen. They have received the truth from the Scriptures, and they
must warn us all to turn from our evil ways. You have no pleasure in
the death of the wicked. There is hope for anyone today in Jesus
Christ. We will not trust in our own righteousness, but will turn
away from the path of sin and flee to Your Son again for life. You
are just in Your judgments, and have satisfied the demands of Your
Law through the cross of Christ. There is evil all around us and sin
within us. Grant us help from heaven through the honest proclamation
of the gospel. Teach us to sincerely repent and believe every day.
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