Mark 13
The temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed within a few
short decades. The disciples wanted to learn “when” this would
happen and what would be “the sign” that “all these things”
were about to take place. Jesus knew that they were referring to “the
end” of the this age of mortality.
In all the details that followed, He did not answer
their precise question about timing. He did warn them that many
disasters that others would regard as indications of the renewal of
the world would only be the “beginning of the birth pains” of a
new resurrection creation.
The Lord redirected the attention of His followers to
other important matters:
1. The good news of the Messiah would be proclaimed “to
all nations” before the perfected heavens and earth would come.
2. There would be an “abomination” against God and
His people that would bring “desolation” upon Jerusalem, when
someone claiming ultimate authority would stand “where he ought not
to be.”
3. In the gospel age that we still live in now, the
church would face great “tribulation” and many a false messiah
would claim to be the pivotal figure of history, even performing
deceptive “signs and wonders.”
4. The day would eventually arrive when He, the “Son
of Man,” would unmistakably descend on the divine cloud “with
great glory and honor.”
5. “Angels” would then gather God's “elect” from
“the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.”
How should we live in light of those truths? “Stay
awake.” Those who believe in Jesus should be careful not to drift
away from the Lord, our identity, and our calling, “lest He come
suddenly and find you asleep.”
from A
Book of Prayers
Our Father, we
thank You that You have made us to be the temple of Your Holy Spirit.
We long for the fulfillment of Your glorious decrees. We know that
our redemption is drawing nearer every day. We commit our lives to
the preaching of Your gospel to all nations. We ask that You would
keep us from great apostasy and rebellion before the return of Jesus.
We will be held together by You through this challenging era, for
Your elect will not be led astray to eternal destruction. Your Son
will surely come. We wait for Him as we hear Your Word. We will pay
attention to the tasks ahead of us today with the certain hope of
everlasting life.
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