The Luke "Main Points by Chapter" list is now complete
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street
The Luke "Main Points by Chapter" list is now complete
We begin the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy tomorrow in morning worship and will continue with one chapter per day for the next 34 days. "Haven't you ever had a hankering to come to morning worship?" - Connie Phelps
Dear Friends:
I wrote this column for Dave Corbin's website.
The Blessings of an "Extended Family" Congregation
Received from Rachel this afternoon...
For the hearty, you may want to note the article on the Reformation21 site on the emergent church. The author, a professor of Church History from Westminster Seminary, makes the case that the new church leaders who are committed to a more "generous orthodoxy" do not rightly understand the great theologians of the 16th and 17th century. Emergent church writers have tended to label them as "moderns" who used reason as their chief guide. The author contends that this is a big mistake based on a superficial examination. Instead, they were pre-modern thinkers who knew how to rightly use reason as a tool, but were completely committed to the Sola Scriptura position. Here’s the author’s concluding paragraph:
The Blessings of an "Extended Family" Congregation
11. Let us ask, seek, and knock with much prayer, that the Father and the Son would send forth the Spirit, and that we might hear the Word of God and keep it.
From Jamie and Jackie Gildard - selections
Includes briefest notes on national, presbytery, and church news
Is the visible church the kingdom of Jesus Christ, or something less than that?
The importance of the topic of the ordering of God's plans is this. It reveals to us the Lord's goals. Those who love the Lord, care about His goals. This is what I believe the Scripture teaches:
This morning we completed two weeks of morning worship in Luke’s gospel. We do 1 chapter every morning. At the end of the message, I summarize the chapter in one brief remark. Here are those summary remarks for Luke’s gospel:
Bethlehem Baptist (home of John Piper) is moving toward accepting Presbyterians as members. Read about this development and commentary from Phil Ryken on the Reformation 21 link below, under the title "Some of my best friends are baptists."
If you would like to play a fun family game of soccer, join us at 3:45 ish at Gilman Park in Exeter every Thursday in September and October. This activity is sponsored by Exeter Classical Christian School.
Note from Dominic Aquila, Editor
The Blessings of an "Extended Family" Congregation