
Devotional thoughts (Monday through Thursday mornings) from the pastor of Exeter Presbyterian Church in Exeter, NH // Sunday Worship 10:30am // 73 Winter Street

Monday, October 31, 2005

Palmer's People (#7 of 8)

A profile of one of Palmer Robertson's 20 pioneer students in Uganda

Joseph Nahabwe

Joseph comes from a ploygamous background - his father had over 15 women. His father only paid for his children's education until they could read and write. Joseph managed to put himself through secondary school, and was converted in 1976. However, in June 2004 the Lord put a special call on Joseph and his wife to consecrate themselves to serve God in full-time ministry for the rest of their lives.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Reformation Day - Greg Reynolds

Amoskeag Presbyterian Church will host their Ninth Annual Reformation Day Conference Friday night at 7:30 am. My friend Greg Reynolds will lecture on "John Wycliffe: Morning Star of the Reformation."

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hymns for Sunday

This Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month. The hymns for the morning are: 18, 188, 469, and 286.

We will begin Romans 15. Our first passage (v. 1-6) connects the message of Chapter 14 against judging and despising our brothers and sisters in Christ, with the world-wide mission to the Gentiles, which is Paul's main concern in this chapter.

Palmers People (#6 of 8)

A profile of one of Palmer Robertson's 20 pioneer students in Uganda

Benson Ochan

Benson teaches Christian Religious Education in high school. He was just converted in January this year (2005), and now as a babe in Christ he is hungry to know the riches of God's truth as revealed in His Word.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sunday's sermon posted

The final message on Romans 14 is now posted. Use the "sermon" link at right to read about an important resolve that we are making together.

Thank you note from Hong Key

Dear Steve

Your mail is just in time.

I am heading to Cluj for the conference.

I will organize to contribute the Institute (Calvin's Institues - my note) for the
key leaders of the party and university.

As you see in the program I am inviting even the Mayer
of Timisoara.

I already discuss for the next year conference.

I like to invite some of your Christian politician,media person
and some civil administrators.

I will let you know more detail.

Are you organizing to bring team to Romania?

Again thank you so much.

Please send our regard to your people.


In Christ,


Palmer's People (#5 of 8)

A profile of one of Palmer Robertson's 20 pioneer students in Uganda

Allen Kiwanuka

Allen is a pastor's wife, and wants to be a teacher in the secondary school that her church is planning to establish. She has already registered to do a B.A. in Education with religion as her major teaching subject at Kyambogo University. But she was uncomfortable with the idea of being taught theology by unbelieving professors, so she has decided to come to ABC instead.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Palmer's People (#4 of 8)

A profile of one of Palmer Robertson's 20 pioneer students in Uganda

Repent Domini

Repent comes from Southern Sudan. After his conversion he had a burning desire for God's work which led him to enrol in a Bible Training Institute in Khartoum where in 2002 he received his Diploma in Theology in Arabic. He worked as an evangelist until his ordination in the Anglican church in May, 2005. He desires to return to Sudan after his graduation from ABC to help provide leadership to the Sudanese church, to train others and to preach and teach the Word of God.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Pursuing Peace and Blessedness

Sermon outline from Sunday Morning

"Pursuing Peace and Blessedness"
(Romans 14:19-23, Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee, October 23, 2005)

Introduction: Third Great Awakening?

Romans 14:19-23 19 So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. 20 Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong for anyone to make another stumble by what he eats. 21 It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. 22 The faith that you have, keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves. 23 But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.

(19) Positive Instruction

(20-21) You got all upset for the sake of … what?

(22-23) The Blessing of a Clear Conscience

POINT – Last week – May I never…
Now today we have a companion positive duty
May I always…

Application – The big picture of what makes for peace and blessedness

More to come by Friday...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Interesting Answer to Prayer for Gildards

Dear Prayer Supporters,
A French television network is putting together a documentary about "evangelical Christians." They will be speaking to our team leader, Pete Mitchell, as well as other Christian workers in Marseille tomorrow (Thursday). The documentary could go a long way toward either dispelling some of the caricatures which exist over here, or perpetuating them. Please be in prayer for Pete and for the others who will be involved in this interview process including the television network personnel.

In Christ's service,

Dear Prayer Partners,
Our thanks for your prayers. Our team leader, Pete Mitchell, outlined the Gospel to the French TV reporter and explained that we worked with a French evangelical denomination. One of our denomination's French pastors, Jean-Raymond who was sitting in the room with them described the ministry of his church. The reporter appreciated Jean-Raymond's remarks but said that she really wanted Americans on camera. Both Pete and Jean-Raymond were left with the clear impression that she wanted something more "radical" for her viewers. She explained that she wouldn't be using Pete or Jean-Raymond for her piece.

We appreciate your prayers, and believe that our Lord has answered them. Please continue to pray for the media's portrayal of Christians here. It has been extremely misleading to date.

In Christ,

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life Together

Is there a way of living the Christian life that is just a stumbling block to the spiritual growth of the church?

See last week's sermon on Romans 14 now posted on EPCSERMON. Our final consideration of Romans 14 will be this Sunday, verse 19-23, "Pursuing Peace and Blessedness."

HYMNS: 17, 144, 34, and 181.

Palmer's People (#3 of 8)

A profile of one of Palmer Robertson's 20 pioneer students in Uganda

Jalia Muwanga and Daniel Matovu

Jalia was raised in a Muslim home. Her father is a Hajii - one who has visited Mecca, and who is thereby a respected and honored Muslim. After becoming a Christian she was thrown out of her home, and was taken in by her pastor and his family. She already has a BA in Industrial Art from Makerere University in Kampala, but she and her fiance Daniel Matovu, who also has a BA in Art, and who has been accepted as a pioneer student to ABC, have set their hearts on being missionaries wherever God would call them. They desire to study for a second B.A. so that they may be thoroughly trained in the Scriptures and in sound theology so that they can be more effective in reaching others for Christ.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Palmer's People (#2 of 8)

Christian Nile (ABC Uganda)
Christian currently works as an accountant but is very involved with the youth in his church. He desires to reach out to young people through Christian radio. He is very interested in our Communications program.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Palmer's People (#1 of 8)

A profile of one of Palmer Robertson's 20 pioneer students in Uganda
Christopher Odongo

Christopher's father was killed by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA - a brutal cult in the north of Uganda whose adherents capture local people and mutilate or kill them) when he was 8 years old. He was saved in 1996 at the age of 16 and since then the Lord has providentially seen him through his secondary education and even through a diploma in Christian Ministries. For the last two years he has worked as the program coordinator of Africa Resource Ministries in the Lira and Apac districts of Uganda, two of the areas where the LRA has been most active. During the last year he organized pastoral training and graduated 150 church ministers at certificate level. His great desire is to teach the Word to pastors who have no Bible training, and to evangelize.

What Are You Wearing?

See Chris Robinson's sermon from last Sunday on the HOPE website. Choose sermon. It is the first one on the list. An excellent message.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

A New Resolve

"Life Together"
(Romans 14:13-18, Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee, October 16, 2005)

Introduction: The Destiny of the Church

Romans 14:13-18 13 Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. 14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. 15 For if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ died. 16 So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil. 17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.

(13) A new resolve that is truly Christian

(14-16) The fruit of careless living in the church

(17-18) Acceptable behavior in the Lord’s church

POINT: Christ lived and died as if you and I mattered. That has to mean something to us, and lead us to an uncommon resolve:
May I never put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of my brother.

1. Hot-buttons
2. Bragging
3. Uncomfortable "humility"

More to come later this week...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

ABC Uganda - Palmer Robertson

I had the privilege some years ago of serving on a General Assembly Committee of Commissioners with Dr. O. Palmer Robertson. He is now the Director/Principal of the new African Bible College campus in Uganda. It is our privilege to support this work in prayer and with our giving. Dr. Robertson has had a distinguished career as a seminary professor, pastor, and missionary. He and his wife Joanna have three young children. In a recent prayer letter they indicated that individuals/churches can sponsor students who have no resources by contributing $1000/year. Several profiles of pioneer students are posted on our bulletin board at church. - Very inspiring...

March for Life

The St. Michael's Parish Community has invited us to travel with them to the upcoming March for Life in Washington, DC. The group will leave Sunday, January 22nd and return early morning Tuesday, January 24th. The cost for the bus ride is $65, and there are a number of housing options in a range of prices. Please contact Pastor Magee if you are interested.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Back from Glens Falls

I enjoyed a great weekend with Pastor Mark Bell, his wife Claudia and their four children at Redeemer Reformed Presbyterian Church in Glens Falls (Queensbury) NY. I preached the four sermons on Acts 2 that I gave recently in Exeter. You can read these by clicking on the sermons link to the right.

I noted two points of particular interest: 1) Frequent communion, and 2) The Visible Church as the place of salvation. Particularly this second item is hard for us to embrace. Though clearly taught in the Westminster Conf Faith 25-2, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Belgic Confession, people think of so many who claim to be Christians but who are not a part of any church and wonder, could it possibly be that they are not saved?

Here is a quote from my message:
"It is time for us to be clear in our thinking and our words. The Bible teaches that the world is headed toward hell. A man who is not in the visible church is in the world. Jesus did not leave us in a fog of confusion on these matters. It is His church. The man who stands outside the church is, well…, outside the church."

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

David Wells Coming to Hampton Falls

David Wells is scheduled to be at Hampton Falls Baptist Church on Saturday October 15 and again on October 22 from 9-11:30 AM. Here are the topics.

First Day
"This Unique Moment: Christianity is leaving the West even as the West is producing a cultural Context which is Unprecedented. Is there a Connection?"

Second Day
" This Unique Body: How Can the Church, which is a Distinctive Community, live Under Authority when People today are Self-centered, speak the Truth when People no longer believe in Truth, Live with Integrity When Accountability has Died, and Cultivate Wholesome Relations in an Age which is Transient and Relationships Are Shallow?"

Please let me know if you plan to attend so I can inform Pastor Lawrence at Hampton Falls.

For more on David Wells, check Reformation 21 note.

The Coming Judgment

Sermon on Romans 14:10-12 now posted. Will we all have to give an account of ourselves before the judgment seat of Christ? How does the answer to that question help us in our fight to stop judging and despising one another?


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Coming Judgment of the Church

Are we talking about the church judging someone or something, or the church being judged?

See Sunday's sermon from Romans 14:10-12. We continued our long-standing Romans series last Sunday. Mark Sketchley preaching this Sunday. Pastor Magee speaking at a weekend conference in Glens Falls, NY.

Fear or Faith

I am noticing an increase in fear all around us. Terrorism, tsunami, hurricanes, economic concerns, ... Could it be that we are counting on civil rulers to solve problems that no man can fix? We know this, and we are afraid. Check the 1 minute newsman link on the right every day for the morning worship point, and put it to use. See today's on the answer to fear from Deuteronomy 3.

Monday, October 03, 2005

New Evening Worship Liturgy

The elders have approved a new order for Sunday evenings. The sermon discussion will come first for 15-30 minutes, followed by a more formal worship service for 30-45 minutes. We tried this last night and it seemd to go well. Our desire is to worship God and to seek to please Him in our life together as a church. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who labor, labor in vain.

General Outline for Sunday PM:

Introductory Teaching Time – Sermon Discussion

- Sunday Evening Worship Liturgy -
Call to Worship
Singing of Hymns & Prayers
Ministry of the Word
Lord’s Supper & Final Hymn